
Paris Dennard also brought up the fact that Bannon saw him on TV and said “We need more people like this representing the Trump campaign.”

silver linings...

Who the FUCK are the 468 people who re-tweeted this insipid horseshit?

At least he has his priorities in order:

Every Trump-related article I bookmark now goes into a folder called “President Orange.” I don’t think I’ll ever get to the point where I can say “President T***p”.

As an American, I wish everyone would watch that video. I’m appalled by what’s happening here. I cast my vote for Hillary, along with the majority of voters, and apparently it made no difference. I feel more powerless than I’ve ever felt. We have a suicidal pilot flying our plane, and a group of deranged yes-men

I swear I remember reading that Abby was married before...

Damn! I’m jealous. I’ve always had a crush on Wambach. :(

Yes, but America as a country is arguably way dumber than 1930's Germany. So, even?

It’s as if the Steve Bannon wing of the new administration is on a mission to root out and reward disgusting male behavior.

2016 has been the year of gaslighting – it’s incredibly frustrating! So many things that people swore were impossible have actually happened. It feels like watching a car wreck in slow motion, and being powerless to stop it.

Yep. Those people have been there every step of the way, and his rhetoric has only worsened over time. Six months ago they said it was crazy to compare him to Hitler, now they say he’s full of hot air and doesn’t really mean it. At what point will they start taking him seriously?

That’s the way I think of the non-whites who campaigned for Trump –Omarosa, Sheriff Clarke, etc. As long as they stand guard for Trump, they’re immune from his racist policies. As a hispanic person, it almost disgusts me more than a white person who does it. It’s a betrayal of the worst kind.

I’m with you on that. But then I wonder if my newfound ability to see Bush as an endearing figure isn’t a result of the severe trauma inflicted by Trump?

Also, fuck you and your whole rotten family, Ivanka Trump.

This is a perfect example of how the Trumps skated through the primary and the general. They magically twist every snide comment into a compliment, and the idiots who voted for them buy it.

Very true – the “spic” and “wetback” comments from white kids here have a much more sinister meaning. The Phuket thing happened when I lived in Atlanta, GA – a more urban area, but still in the south.

I’m sorry you went through that. It’s such a shitty feeling. :(

Yes, I was born here. My parents immigrated here and I have extended family in Argentina. It sounds like you got more of the bullying than I did - a lot of people think I’m Asian. In Argentina they always called me “Chinita”. :)