
I’m guessing you’re Argentinian? I am, too. I was always hyperconscious of my parents speaking to me in Spanish in front of my classmates.

THIS. If Hillary Clinton was the murderess everyone made her out to be, how in the hell did we elect Donald Trump?

good god, we’re fucked.


I know...I’m telling myself there’s a silver lining to this (there’s always a bright side to everything, right?) but then I keep coming up with NOTHING.

I went to sleep in the middle of the election coverage because it was stressing me out so much. I just woke up and found out and I feel like I’m in shock. I can’t even put words into what I’m feeling.

LOLWUT ! ! !

That didn’t even make sense as an explanation. “She was a nervous mess,” so she decided to put him in his place? Huh? She was nervous because she was planning all along to tell him not to badmouth his opponent?

oh god, what I would give to see that...!

I’d volunteer to do that job, for free.

This morning he had a super important segment on how to find the fastest line at the supermarket, so maybe they’re finally realizing his worth.

I think “female” sounds so bad because it sounds like you’re talking about an animal, or some strange species. It sounds very othering, like men are normal and females are something you study.

YES. I love watching Trump fly off the handle. It usually kicks off a week of non-stop media coverage saying, “Is this the final death knell for Trump’s campaign?” Very satisfying. :)

oh god, THAT asshole. Jeffrey Lord might have the most punchable face on tv.

You and me both. Fuck Stein. She’s a pandering phony nutjob.

I was pretty shocked when she said that “true feminists” are the nurturers and caretakers of the world – THIS woman is supposed to be the true “progressive” candidate?? GTFO with that shit.

I never said she’s perfect, but she’s more honest than most politicians, especially when you compare her with a pathologically lying fraud with a possible clinical disorder.

Why, yes, I am!

No, they’re only allowed to say “Were you lying?” to Sec. Clinton.

Speaking as a Gen Xer, I think every generation has it’s fuckups. Mine certainly did. :)