
“Netflix’s child porn Cuties will certainly whet the appetite of pedophiles and help fuel the child sex-trafficking trade,”says Qanon. Funny, it doesn’t have any such effect on me. Didn’t turn me on. My appetites are not stimulated.

I’ve seen the more enthusiastic Bernie fans (I like Bernie really would have preferred him over Biden) say “well I’d vote for Bernie or Tulsi”. These people are fucking morons and I gotta blame dumbass Joe Rogan for this. He’s not evil per se, but his loyal fan base are just so stupid. Having a washed up comedian bro

Who’s eluding? Everything QANON does and claims is based on untruths. They think the democratic party is a literal cabal of baby-eating Satan-worshipping pedophiles. They’re just using actual child trafficking groups and #slogans as a way to trick people into their cult. If credible groups have criticism of the film,

This particular criticism rings hollow.

Exactly this. Dance teams and child pageants are huge in this country. So, it’s OK to sexualize children, just not to make a film about it?

They were watching Dance Moms, Toddlers and Tiaras, Honey Booboo...

I count myself lucky that the first time I ever heard of QAnon was about a week ago, when I matched with one of their lot on Tinder. She never came right out and said she was QAnon, but it was a fairly obvious conclusion for me to draw (from my subsequent online research) based on our conversation:

Tulsi going Q is completely on brand. 

Where were all these outraged QAnon people when Trump ordered kids to be separated from their parents and put in cages in the concentration camps on the border?  I guarantee that some of those kids are being sexually abused.  I don’t recall any big “Q” signs at the Families Belong Together protest I went to.

Tulsi might be carrying water for QAnon, you say?

This whole obsession with child porn just seems like the height of projection. If you don’t see young girls as sex objects, then what’s making you so uncomfortable? That other people might see it that way? Which, fair enough, but historically some of the largest abusers are in the church and you’re down with them? I

Oooorrr... counterpoint.... please stop? I liked it more when the conspiracy nuts were underground and quiet. They are entertaining, yes, but getting too much coverage and too many followers. 

Tulsi is auditioning for FOX News.

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

I’m guessing you haven’t seen what the typical Sturgis attendee looks like if you think they still have grandparents.

The way Barr is out there now, claiming evidence of voter fraud, I smell something rotting in The DOJ. This is just telling me there is going to be fake mail-in ballot stuffing with Biden’s name on it. They are harping on it to much for it not to be a game plan to discredit the election. This country is so fucked!

With all the shit going on right now, I have no outrage left for Pelosi’s haircut. 

I’m pretty. Boys think I’m pretty. Lots of boys. Even powerful Korean boys like Kim Jung Un. He was totally hitting on me. I am so pretty.

I know this is old by now, but I still can't believe Gavin Newsom was married to Guilfoyle, at least he got out of that marriage on time, but still, to think she went from him to Jr, what a downgrade. 

I wouldn’t really want to answer snarky questions at my job from someone obviously trolling me.