
I don't necessarily agree being fat is largely a choice. I do think this website has gotten kind of mean though. Or maybe they were always mean and I just grew up.

Yeah, it does make you a bad person. So much for body positivity. I guess it only goes in one direction. God forbid someone’s body changes in the other direction. Thanks for proving it’s only “body positivity” if you’re overweight and stay overweight.

I would like to confirm that you are a bad person.

How do you know he DIDN’T carry an AR-15 while on life guard duty?

Lets not stop there, how about they’re also encouraging vigilantes and then throw in a dose of victim blaming to boot?

As I said over at The Root, is anyone surprised it was a 17 year old? Gunning down protesters is the new school shootings. But instead of being reviled, they get praise. 

So not only are these cops racist pricks, they’re incredibly stupid racist pricks. Gee, wonder why those things go hand in hand so often?

Who will the city call out to put out the dumpster fire the chief just lit?

If you value your sanity don't read the comments on that article.

suspected of shooting three people

So on Monday, a couple that waved their guns at protestors were given a prominent speaking slot at the RNC, and at Tuesday somebody brought a gun to a protest and killed some people.

So the curfew was the problem...

I can’t imagine anything more evil than framing a double homicide with So, last night, a 17-year-old individual from Antioch, Illinois, was involved in the use of firearms to resolve whatever conflict was in place. The result of it is two people... are dead.”

This fully armed boy had 3 cops roll past him after killing two people, during the curfew they were claiming to enforce, and not even a single tear gas spray was directed his way. White America’s sons of anger get to kill people with the state’s seal of approval.

Turns out the 17 year old murderer was front and fucking center at a Trump rally in January. Because of fucking course. 

Glenn Greenwald has been repping him hard on his twitter feed. 

Where IS that meteor?

He’s a right wing troll running as a democrat. This is their new tactic now. Try to infiltrate our party and destroy it from the inside. The republican party are just a bunch of edgelord trolls now.

Dude. Yes, it is true that “no one is perfect”.

“I deeply apologize for any mistakes I might have made.”