Yup. My white Swiss grandmother in Switzerland also wore them. Everybody needs something comfortable and easy for working at home so most cultures have something like it.
Yup. My white Swiss grandmother in Switzerland also wore them. Everybody needs something comfortable and easy for working at home so most cultures have something like it.
Yep, every female concierge in France wears one of these--or did back in the day. Sometimes a dress is just a dress, and not a sign of colonialism.
Yes; in the Arab World, men and women wear long comfortable caftans at home. It was heaven. But I never thought: Oh, this is proprietary to the Arab World. I wondered: How did this ever go out of fashion in the United States?
It’s fascinating to me that when white people start wearing something, it’s upscale and reminiscent of privilege, but when my grandmother wore the exact same garment at a fraction of the price, she was just an old lady wearing a house dress.
Yes, first was the freshman 15, then stress eating, and now the covid 19 is the nail in the coffin of my hopes of ever fitting in my cutest clothes again 😢
None of any of this is going to end well.
I’m so glad to be living through the destruction of a country.
I read and re-read that 5 times refusing to believe someone would type something so bizarre
How about anyone who wants to wear a fucking strawberry dress can wear a fucking strawberry dress.
Agreed. Totally bizarre comment to make.
“On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.”
You know you can say someone looked awesome in a dress without calling everyone else who wears it a Nazi, right?
Jesus Christ, that’s a bad take.
On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.
Yeah, this is nonsensical to the point of being gibberish. It’s fascist on thin women because a fictional character- who wasn’t a nazi but flirted with one and wore a dress that looks vaguely similar (except it really doesn’t) - was also thin?
On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.
the dress itself is designed to be cute, and it looks cute on lots of people. there’s no need to tear other people down to say that it also suited Tess; don’t be gross.
Being skinny is fascist now?
You know those women who only hang out with men and make a big deal about being “one of the boys”? It’s very that - being an extreme minority makes them feel special, and they get certain privileges from it that they never would in more diverse groups. It’s completely self-interested.
Any time she tweets now, she gets an army of Karens in her mentions saying “I follow you for music not politics, I will never listen to your songs again” and whatnot. It brings me great pleasure to imagine them hearing one of her songs in the supermarket and turning incandescently red with rage.