
This is literally the ONLY thing I am looking forward to in regards to this election.

This is very sadly on-brand for Jezebel’s coverage of Kamala Harris.

I mean the snarky headline and the overall meh write up is not a great sign. 

I totally agree with you, but what a sign of progress that the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants who is married to a Jew is the (yawn) obvious choice. Also, any progressive who won’t vote for Biden because of his VP choice isn’t a real progressive - they’re just a Chapo anarchist who wants to burn it all down.

Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.

When the LA Times published, “It’s ‘The Bachelor: Campaign Trail.’ Which of Biden’s veep candidates deserves the rose?,” they deservedly received a lot of backlash for publishing such a sexist piece. They even apologized. I’m disappointed to see this trope used again here.

This is my shocked face. It was the obvious choice. It’s not the choice that progressives might have wanted but Biden is obviously trying to blunt the Trump Law&Order narrative. Besides, when President Biden has a stroke, or is otherwise incapacitated, I think she would be a fine President. 

I will pass on whether Machine Gun Kelly is achingly beautiful but his chosen trade name sure is achingly annoying.


They’re ok with this, “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” - Trump voter.

Time and time again, members of this administration have shown that they are willing to do traitorous and treasonous things in their own self interest. It is an utter mystery to me how Republican voters and Republican elected officials can find a way to turn a blind eye.

This article is gross and misogynistic. Please, delete it, and think a little. Maybe apologize. You had way too much fun making up names for this (apparently asian) woman.

There’s a lot going on in this article - and a lot that loses credibility when you reduce an Asian woman to ridicule by way of hatred for white women. There’s a lot than can be debated about how allies should behave or what their role is or if there’s no such thing as real white allies in a racist system or how white

Portland is home of the largest Naked Bike Ride in the world. Our state fair is celebrated as being clothing-optional. Nudity is part of Portland culture.

Why? I think she was being the ultimate peaceful protester, NO personal protection, complete vulnerability to the cops, and she stared them DOWN. They couldn’t handle it; if she wore some “battle gear” like many, she’d have likely been blasted with spray or projectiles. She proves the point that many protesters,

It’s so obvious that she’s showing that if they attacked her there would be no way to claim antifa/violence/bullshit after making them 100% the aggressors.

Tear gas in an abortifacient. If anything, Trump should be thinking about how causing white women to miscarry their wanted pregnancies will hold up against his newfound “ProLife” affiliation.

I hope you are correct. My biggest concern is that if they aren’t watching the right news channels, that they will never see this.