
Sigh. Again, is there not plenty of real shit to be outraged about right now?  Holding hands in public is the infraction?  I don’t get this at all.

Oof, that post feels very “maybe you shouldn’t have dressed like this, maybe he wouldn’t have attacked you” type of deal.

Issue here is with the press, so, you guys. Not her. Not her fault you can’t keep momentum because y’all lost integrity long ago. It’s on you guys to cover the right thing.

You blame her for making

I was honestly expecting something like a literal announcement by them at the protest given the headline. They were just there together. Come on, Justice. 

I don’t get the first story in this article. Like the headline is mad that they’re taking attention away from a BLM protest because of something that isn’t even confirmed? So in frustration over 2 people that are getting more attention from the media than a protest you’re going to.... write an article about the 2

Totally agree. I thought this article was an absolute disgrace.

Seriously? It’s not like they held a press conference - they were simply living their lives/affectionate towards each other in public - which I’ve seen many non famous folks do at protests. How are we to know if it’s they’re “debut” out together, or the first time ppl noticed? We’re angry if celebrities are silent,

Showing power?

Thank you. It’s waaaaaay to early for a VP announcement; and most importantly, what you said...why should Joe say anything about anything when President Dumb Fuck Drama Queen continues with his batshit-crazy downward spiral all on his own?

Or she wants an uncomplicated, unchallenging relationship with someone relatively fun who isn’t going to try to tie her down, and the sex is good?

Lol this was the exact comment I was going to make. DiCaprio has been doing this for years - as soon as whatever model he’s dating hits her late 20's he dumps her and within a month is dating someone else who looks the exact same but is in her early 20's instead.

So...she’s the female Leo DiCaprio?

Oh....so shrivel up and die in the corner after a certain age. Got it. 

Could not agree more. Clearly she’s just living her life and having a good time.

I’m about her age and if I was rich and single, I wouldn’t mind having my fun with any of them, lol.

I’m really confused about what the author is trying to communicate. It sorta seems like a circumspect defense of traditional masculinity/femininity, patriarchal domination and trapping oneself in a bad relationship because superficial physical and social qualities are precedent over anything else.

It might just be that Kate wants relationships that are satisfying and uncomplicated, with a little excitement. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Odds are that she’s not going to find the same with a balding and overweight insurance adjuster, I’m guessing. (Just a guess! If you’re a balding overweight insurance

Why eat up a new cycles with a VP pick right now while your poll numbers are improving and your opponent is busy shooting himself in the foot on a daily basis?

Biden’s choice of running mate will probably make or break his campaign’s ability to drum up the enthusiasm crucial to actually winning the general election...

I remember when Republicans were against the government picking favorites with private businesses.

Ugh.  Between this and her laughable “Find Something New” project, I hate her more than ever.  She is a moron and a waste of space.  

I’m pretty sure women have the same conversations—sexual objectification is not solely a male issue. (Granted, given the history of the power dynamic, one has more serious ramifications than the other.)