This is my shocked face.
This is my shocked face.
Well no fucking shit
That’s worrying, but not half as worrying about how many things could go wrong and end the legitimacy of this election. This article from Mother Jones lists quite a few I hadn’t even thought of. It’s absolute villainy that the Republicans aren’t doing anything to secure and validate our elections. Of course, the chaos …
it could usher in even more incendiary campaign tactics between now and November.
For sure. The industry is also remarkably insulated considering how enormous it actually is, and it’s amazing how many women are out there reading ‘dubious consent’ books considering how completely under-the-radar it is to people who don’t read it. It’s almost like if Marvel movies were a secret only men knew about. I…
Sure., but I don’t want to speculate about how much is nature vs. nurture when it comes to women’s sexual desire. Like, maybe we grew up with Beauty and the Beast so now some of us fantasize about being kidnapped or maybe B&tB taps into something deep and primal in our lizard brains. I really don’t know, but I think…
This is all sooooo gross and skeevy.
So he uses this Latino man as a “helper” this help being any form Gaetz needs filled, including playing the role of his minority “son” so he can own the libs.
I agree that he doesn’t really sound like Gaetz’s son, but let’s also think about the bizarre logic at play here. A Democrat accused Gaetz of not trying to protect people of color because he doesn’t have non-white children. Gaetz’s reply? “I have a non-white child, and I still don’t care about protecting people of…
I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate…
I write romance novels and erotica for a living and, while I don’t write the weird rapey kidnappey books, there are a lot lot lot of them. I’m not surprised this sort of ‘love story’ is leaking onto tv.
Gen Xer here and I will vote for a damn potted plant if it means Dump and his grifter cabal get booted out and into prison. I’m used to being the forgotten generation but I still will raise my voice.
That comment killed me. God’s perfect breathing system....get the fuck outta here.
How do those dingbats in the Florida video feel about nurses and surgeons wearing masks during surgery? How about dentist and dental hygienists? That lady talking about taking away god’s perfect breathing system sounded like her breathing system isn’t working at 100% capacity.
As his location edged closer on my phone, I spotted his big, blue eyes in the crowd and his sign above his head. Be still my beating heart.
Voting is important and you’re bashing Reese for it? It’s one of the few things that can actually bring about real change and this year it’s more important than ever.
Reese’s call to VOTE is fine by me; isn’t that how we’ll get rid of corrupt DAs, local sheriffs and judges? What a petty thing to call Reese out on.
Uh, yeah. Yeah, voting is a pretty big deal and a good take-away.
I just checked with my high school history teacher, and it turns out that if we don’t vote, Trump can be reelected. I know electing someone else won’t solve all our problems, but I can’t help but feel like it might be a step in the right direction.