Awesome. All serious medical problems clear up when you ignore them.
Awesome. All serious medical problems clear up when you ignore them.
fired tear gas at a group of nurses then awkwardly waved a box of masks outside an ER entrance before waddling back to his bunker?
Pity he cannot read.
I do have to say, I get a small amount of glee seeing a picture of the president walking past a wall with “Fuck Trump” spray painted on it. It’s petty, but I’m beyond that shit with this coward.
“Is that your Bible?”
What is wrong with him? How does he fail so spectacularly at behaving like a person?
That man is such a unique blend of ineptitude, vanity, and utter stupidity. I’d laugh at that clip if said blend wasn’t so fucking hopeless and dangerous.
It is a uniquely white privilege to be able to write a fucking essay policing the policing of white women to other white women BY a white woman when people are literally dying in the street right now.
Jesus fucking christ, sometimes allies are imperfect, and that isn’t ideal! But right now THE WAR IS LITERALLY…
I was looking at my newsfeed last night and I started to feel pretty icky, like it had turned into the woke, white-woman, ally Olympics to see who could post the most articles, lists, or graphics letting other white people know what we’re going wrong and how we’re all guilty.
Yeah, I’m not even thinking of going until there’s a vaccine. I enjoy going to a movie or two a year, but it just seems like there are way too many risks.
I mean, yeah, I’d love to go to the movies if it was safe and will probably do so once it is safe, but I don’t think that I’d feel safe going to a theater without a vaccine. I especially wouldn’t feel safe sitting next to a stranger, whether or not they were wearing mask, for several hours. Are they going to keep 6…
If theaters limit screenings to sanitize the theater between audiences, and if they also need to limit the number of people watching, then tickets prices are going to be a lot more expensive. I also notice that more people want employees to be required to wear masks than want audience members to, but you’re not…
Maybe also plan a trip to the hospital?
A former boss of mine years ago said to me “Your problem is that you rely on other people knowing what they’re doing. You have to assume they don’t and plan accordingly.”
No question about it. And I’m not even American. Your infections, deaths, and death rate would have been quartered. And billions, possibly trillions of dollars would have been saved.
Just think, we could have manufactured enough masks and ppe not only for everyone in the US, but enough to ship out around the world. Hell, HEB, a Texas grocery store, made preparations as early as December, months before the White House took any action.
You can get a lot done when you’re not spending your days competing in dick-measuring contests. Or, in the case of our esteemed leader, getting bronzer touch-ups.
I keep on thinking what would Hillary Clinton have done if she were president handling this mess. I’m certain the response would have been better.