
“Really, Reese? That’s what you’ve taken away from the last few days? Voting?”

Voting is important and you’re bashing Reese for it? It’s one of the few things that can actually bring about real change and this year it’s more important than ever.

turns out that if we don’t vote, Trump can be reelected.

I get your general vibe but I don’t agree with your criticism of Reese’s tweets. She didn’t just say vote. She talked about racial bias and systemic racism. She said Black Lives Matter. She is rather clearly taking a side, and she may not do it perfectly but she is clearly trying.

Reese’s call to VOTE is fine by me; isn’t that how we’ll get rid of corrupt DAs, local sheriffs and judges? What a petty thing to call Reese out on.

I’m not sure Witherspoon is the right target here. Look at her first tweet:

Because Jezebel has become overrun with bitter assholes that don’t realize this isn’t their personal blog.

Uh, yeah. Yeah, voting is a pretty big deal and a good take-away.

Does anyone in the editorial staff read the comments? The bitterness and anger is so immature. Snark for snark’s sake. Yes voting. What’s the problem? What are you doing instead? Do you have anything positive to say? Ever? 

Starting to think Jezebel’s political stance is“don’t vote, just boo”.

It’s like they want Trump to be re-elected so they can say I told you so.

It’s because Bernie is no longer the candidate. Now that Vermont Jesus isn’t an option, not voting is the only option for the writers here.

Because this writer is still pissed she won’t get a chance to vote for Bernie. The anti-voting, anti-Biden articles are everywhere here lately. 

As someone else said, in some left wing circles perfection has become the enemy of good

I just checked with my high school history teacher, and it turns out that if we don’t vote, Trump can be reelected. I know electing someone else won’t solve all our problems, but I can’t help but feel like it might be a step in the right direction.

I am so supremely unsurprised Lea Michele is a major piece of shit. 

Yes voting. For President but also for commissioners and judges and sheriffs and magistrates.

Yeah but voting requires standing affirmatively for something instead of vaguely against everything.

Is this the second day in a row where this column has bashed voting? 

Awesome. All serious medical problems clear up when you ignore them.