
This accusation is pretty serious.  But - as other commenters have said, it’s him or Trump at this point.  Let’s hope this is the last of the old guard from either side, and now that the current crisis has happened and a lot has to change....I hope we somehow end up with better leadership and a future that is kinder

I believe her accusations have merit but I don’t know exactly what her end game is. All she is going to do is help Trump - who has been credibly accused of forced rape and assault by two dozen women (?).

This is a nightmare. This is a fucking nightmare that this deeply stupid man is our president and has a legion of morons willing to die — and take the rest of us with them — to protect his fragile ego and “own the libs”.

I will give money to any reporter that stands up during one of these and asks him what the fuck he is rambling about.

Meh. Chloroquinine; injected disinfectants; shooting peeps on 5th Avenue; inciting mass shooters to attack assumed Mexicans; inciting terrorists to run over protestors; inciting nut bag to attack reporters.

“I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute,”

How is it possible that anyone, let alone the “leader of the free world,” could be THIS STUPID?

What keeps... not really surprising me, but more like horrifying me is how transparent he is in this and how people still ally with him after three years of it (or more if you bother to look at his pre-White house record).

After hearing that, I had to look it up for myself. I try to just tune him out and observe the administrations actions because nothing he says has informative value and I like to think I’m desensitized to the shock and stupidity. But holy fuck, he does have a gift for reaching astounding new depths of spectacular

I swear to God I just heard Trump suggest that bleach could be used to kill coronavirus IN YOUR LUNGS!!! OR BY INJECTION!!!

There’s no question about Trump’s motives here.

Confused by which part? The nurse’s employer is using the CDC’s guidelines to justify the fact that it’s providing the bare minimum for PPE to its staff and the head of the NYU Med School is pointing out why the nurse has good reason to suspect that just following the CDC guidelines isn’t doing enough to keep

Have the nurses considered showing up for work with loaded guns? I hear that’s how you get your state reopened no matter what medical science and common sense might say. Maybe they can get some better safety gear that way.

No. Cream/ivory and black all the way.

At the risk of starting one of those debates, does anyone else actually consider this grey and black?!

Further proof of how astroturfed this “movement” is:

They’re few now. The problem is that if Fox et al. keep flogging this, as they are likely to, it will turn into a tribal issue on the right and all of them will decide they need to join the protest, if for no other reason than to own the libs.

This is a warm-up. After Biden is elected they’re going to be out in massive force, squawking about the deficit, after several years of conspicuous silence.

Wow... they sound so.... ignorant. I keep telling myself they are few in number. Hopefully.