
He should be released along with a lot of other people in prisons right now.  There are a lot of people who it doesn’t make sense to warehouse in the ordinary course (which is one of the biggest problems with America’s criminal justice system), but right now especially, as prisons are just breeding grounds for

Sounds like a reasonable request under the present circumstances. Early release of non-violent prisoners to reduce crowding and reduce transmission will cut the overall death rate.

The progressive choice between Biden and Bernie is Bernie.

the imaginary Bernie Bros who are going to elect Donald Trump, shortly after telling co-host Joy Behar “how important a voice” those Bernie Bros have been. (I’m still trying to parse the logic on this, myself.)

a whole host of fascinating topics, like the imaginary Bernie Bros who are going to elect Donald Trump

As for his interview with Meghan McCain, the two explored a whole host of fascinating topics, like the imaginary Bernie Bros who are going to elect Donald Trump...

While “OK Boomer Girl” blew up on Twitter, Biden went on to win states he didn’t even campaign in with 1/3rd of the funds Bernie raised. And the youth turonout this primary season has been dismal.

A hard lesson in how preening for fake internet points doesn’t actually win you anything in reality. 


Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.

Thank you. My older brother is much closer to him that I was (my brother is his (grown with children of his own) son’s godfather). They were texting yesterday. This shit is no joke and it’s fast as fire.

And he was put into a medically induced coma this morning.

I live in Queens, NY. It’s the hardest hit County in the country. For the past weeks I’ve been hearing stories of a friend of a friend of a friend, or a Client’s brother-in-law, expecting it to get closer. Yesterday it did. A friend from childhood has been hospitalized since Wednesday. His wife has been hospitalized

bitter, party of 1. 

yes, this piece feels really mean spirited, and that’s not what any of us need right now :(

Because Joan absolutely can’t stand that there are celebrities who have accomplished anything. Say what you will about Emily, she became a successful model which requires a hell of a lot of discipline, which luck aside, she had to work hard for that. Joan can’t fathom that maybe she is also literate and progressive as

This article feels mean-spirited and judgmental. Disappointing.

Why is this article being so critical? Why insinuate this woman doesn’t read the books? Regardless if she actually reads the books or not, these are still good recommendations. The tone of this article isn’t very feminist.

I’m confused about the tone/gist of this piece. Are you trying to suggest that she is just posing with these books and doesn’t actually read them? I admit I have never heard of her before, but a two sec review of her personal life section of her Wikipedia makes it seem like she’s progressive and actively so IRL so she

I was thoroughly opposed to having Biden as the candidate, but here we are. Honestly, I think voters know we’re electing a placeholder who won’t be capable of completing a four year term (which makes his VP choice more significant than ever).

I honestly and truly don't know what to believe anymore. The only ONLY thing I am sure of is that I will vote for whoever is running against Trump.