
Thank you. My older brother is much closer to him that I was (my brother is his (grown with children of his own) son’s godfather). They were texting yesterday. This shit is no joke and it’s fast as fire.

And he was put into a medically induced coma this morning.

I live in Queens, NY. It’s the hardest hit County in the country. For the past weeks I’ve been hearing stories of a friend of a friend of a friend, or a Client’s brother-in-law, expecting it to get closer. Yesterday it did. A friend from childhood has been hospitalized since Wednesday. His wife has been hospitalized

bitter, party of 1. 

yes, this piece feels really mean spirited, and that’s not what any of us need right now :(

Because Joan absolutely can’t stand that there are celebrities who have accomplished anything. Say what you will about Emily, she became a successful model which requires a hell of a lot of discipline, which luck aside, she had to work hard for that. Joan can’t fathom that maybe she is also literate and progressive as

This article feels mean-spirited and judgmental. Disappointing.

Why is this article being so critical? Why insinuate this woman doesn’t read the books? Regardless if she actually reads the books or not, these are still good recommendations. The tone of this article isn’t very feminist.

I’m confused about the tone/gist of this piece. Are you trying to suggest that she is just posing with these books and doesn’t actually read them? I admit I have never heard of her before, but a two sec review of her personal life section of her Wikipedia makes it seem like she’s progressive and actively so IRL so she

To Joan, the highest possible crime is saying something that other people have already said.  Amplifying means nothing in her opinion.

Your ability to infer things that aren’t actually in statements is truly a monument to reading comprehension. Brava.

In a moment where the world is essentially on lockdown, and the rights of women in the U.S. are being run roughshod over in the dead of night, using coronavirus as a cover (See: the abortion bans in

Personally, I find it to be less the website’s tone but this author in particular. There have been numerous complaints in the comments about the things she writes and the tone she uses.

Oh, for sure. I tried to word my response in a way that didn’t sound like I was trying to minimize your isolation. It is HARD, I’m sure. You’re entitled to a pity party! I’m sorry that you’re doing it alone.

Meh. Anger could be a perfectly normal response to your entire world being upended. When your income, health and way of life is threatened I think it’s ok to be mad now and then.

Absolutely. I tried to edit my post to say I 100% recognize my pity party is from a place of pretty big privilege.... but damn if this doesn’t suck and it’s extremely stressful to be terrified of the aftermath of this 100% of the time.

I’m with my partner in a small, apartment. Some days I fantasize about being alone & I’m desperate for some solitude. This is “the grass is always greener” Covid style.
 I think it’s safe to say that it’s HARD no matter what anyone’s particular situation is. We are reinventing just about every facet of “normal”, all

I try to have empathy for people home with families and kids... but as someone working from home, alone all day in a small condo, never seeing anyone and working in the energy sector so having absolutely no leeway for a breakdown/loss of productivity (“they” say there is, but anyone who’s lived through a oil price or

So Watson uses her spotlight to spotlight things and, as per usual, Jezebel decides the best course of action is a snark piece.

You really ought to change the tagline of the blog from “A Supposedly Feminist Website” to “Not Even Really Pretending to Be A Feminist Website”.

I was thoroughly opposed to having Biden as the candidate, but here we are. Honestly, I think voters know we’re electing a placeholder who won’t be capable of completing a four year term (which makes his VP choice more significant than ever).

I honestly and truly don't know what to believe anymore. The only ONLY thing I am sure of is that I will vote for whoever is running against Trump.