
I agree...but it’s even more infuriating when it’s coming from “progressives.” Not that it’s really a surprise.

It’s gross that the harassment is disproportionately focused on women, too.

That’s exactly what I did, too. I donated to Sanders early on, but have since changed my allegiance to Clinton for many of the same reasons you listed. Nothing turns me off faster than the blatant misogyny I’ve seen. And it’s not just restricted to his supporters; he talks a big game for women’s issues but he can’t

Age-shaming women while protesting the sexism label – new low!

I’m trying to remember the difference between the Taliban and the Republican party...what is it again?

I think that’s precisely the reason he’s so good at lying. It’s impossible to detect any physiological changes when he’s lying (which is probably about 90% of the time) because he has no conscience/heart.

Just when I think he’s done scraping the bottom of the barrel, he surprises me!

Cheetos would definitely get us into less wars.

Silent majority, my ass. More like Deafeningly Loud 10%.

I wish they would hold their feet to the fire. They should also be asking Donald Trump why he prohibits weapons at his rallies.

I hear you. I loathe this orange, sad sack of shit. He represents everything that’s wrong with this country and I hope Hillary humiliates him so bad that he never shows his face again.

As someone very much inside the US, the rise of Trump is terrifying! I’ve had nightmares about it, which is probably partly because I’m hispanic. Trump and his supporters scare me. Whenever I meet someone who says they’re pro-Trump, I assume they hate me.

I wonder if this also explains, in part, the attraction Trump voters have to authoritarian power. Several recent articles claim that the main difference between Trump and non-Trump people is the desire for authoritarianism and order. I’ve been puzzled at how anyone could want an authoritarian in power, but perhaps

I feel like I say this every day now. It’s fucking 2016, what is wrong with this country?!

Agreed. I’m sharing that article; it explains so much.

If we had a crotchety Betty Sanders the Socialist in ill-fitting suits and unbrushed hair ranting about revolution, I wonder just how much support she would garner? My guess is that the Right and the Left would come down on her 10x harder than they have on Hillary Clinton. But we don’t – we have Bernie, the beloved

I’m hispanic and the thought of Trump winning makes me feel physically sick. I’ve noticed that it usually seems to be white people who say, “Maybe he won’t be that bad.” Did they forget all the racist shit that spews out of his mouth? Or do they just not care? It really makes me question how far the “enlightened”

The sweating thing is also code for “wetback.” He knows his racist supporters will eat it up.

I wonder how many stories are going to pop up as soon as he gets the Repub nomination? I’m guessing that what we already know about Trump is just the very tip of the iceberg.