Just to help you out, there’s this lovely article: So which women has Donald Trump called ‘dogs’ and ‘fat pigs’?
I’d tell you to take one for the team, but I don’t think I could even make myself go to a Trump rally. I’m shocked no one’s been murdered yet, but I think it’s just a matter of time.
This whole thing has made me so curious as to how their chocolate tastes. Fuck if I want to pay for it, though.
Redacted because I posted the same thing someone else did.
I commend you for trying to make sense out of their reasoning but want to warn you that it’s a fruitless endeavor.
Jin made a terrifying but spot-on observation about how incensed people (presumably people with GUNS) can get.
Me three...but I strongly suspect it’s because Kourtney and Khloe are the least oversaturated of the klan.
Even though my parents were atheist, we attended a catholic church once when I was 6-7...no idea why, I think it was for appearance. I went up with everyone else for communion, grabbed the cracker and stuffed it in my pocket. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with it. The priest actually followed me out of the…
That’s exactly what happened to me. My parents were atheist, but sent me to a Catholic school from 8th-12th grade, because they didn’t like the local public school. We even became Catholic because it was much cheaper to attend the school, but my mom always told me it was all bullshit and not to listen to any of the…
I remember when the story of her death first came out – weren’t they claiming that “at least she was treated better than most of the prisoners”? I had a feeling that was a completely BS line at the time, and what do you know...
Perfect! That’s exactly how I would feel carrying this around.
The Bangkok-based Apple Model Management—whose clients include transgender male and female models—
So if I got married at 32, does that mean I’ll never get a divorce? :|
I didn’t think my crush on Abby Wambach could get any bigger — I was WRONG.
I thought I was straight in grade school because I had crushes on boys. When I started having crushes on butch girls, too (on hitting puberty), I realized I was bi. It seems my attraction to (butch) women is just intensifying as I age, leading me to think that I might be completely gay by the time I’m 80.