
She sounds just like a dolphin when she laughs. It's like nails on a chalkboard. And Ridiculousness has to be the bottom of the barrel, as far as TV shows go.

Take a look at fartfuckhell's posting history...I'm pretty sure they're fucking with everyone.

The possibilities are terrifying. The way things are going, though, I think a lot of people would be willing to sacrifice their privacy for more likes on Instagram.

Hah, I see a future where prospective employers review drone-recorded segments of your life before hiring, kind of like they do with Facebook today. Maybe we'll all have our own channels where anyone can watch us 24/7. I can see some people getting really excited about that, although it sounds like a nightmare to me.

Wow, this is really going to date all previous wedding photos. I wonder how many people will want do-over drone weddings?

Great idea – shadow drones to document every minute of your life. Just what we need!

Maybe that was Martha's grand plan. Force him to take completely untitillating photos so we can all see how run-of-the-mill they really look. I'm going to go with that!

I think I'm face-challenged. :0 Seriously, it does seem to come out better when someone else takes it. Maybe it's the angle?

I hear you. That has to be one of the most annoying words ever invented.

HI. Me too. Maybe it softens all the pictures, like Sears portraits.

The IPhone name is actually perfect already. Or maybe it should be the MePhone.

LOL I think it's hilarious that the point of the website is to make people aware that their info isn't private and we're all upset that our cats aren't on there.

Me too! Even though I undeniably have the cutest cat on social media, someone else in my complex had theirs featured instead. My profile and location are public, too. What a disgrace.

Honesty is always a good policy.

Lol, this sounds like something my mom would say.

I can't stop laughing.

What in the hell is this horseshit I just watched??

I don't know. I always thought Jodi Arias looked better in stripes.

He must be the guy that everyone dreads being around because they have to force fake laughter. It's painful to watch and exhausting to be around. Especially when they tell jokes and then stare you down, waiting for you to laugh.

The only obstacle to perfect beauty would be your drawing skills.