
Yeah, it seems like the natural progression of the duckface. Afraid of being accused of duckface, these people toned it way down. ALAS! Now we have a new name, sparrowface. There's just no keeping your dignity with a selfie anymore. LOLZ

I've never heard of sparrow face. So I googled it and got this:

"And what kind of slob leaves old pizza boxes lying around for a Vogue photo shoot?"

You're lucky you missed the memo. I've seen way too many variations on this memo.

hah Good description of a lot of the articles. Everything is "problematic" for some reason or another. Even if there's nothing to criticize, they'll find something!

I thought this was Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Apparently this guy's a famous writer; he wrote The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt (I'm not familiar with the book). So they have that in common. I'm leaning towards it probably being the same guy but I don't know. I also don't know if he's a cannibal. LOLZ

Hey, at least you get to have sex! This must be your bf, not your husband, amirite? ;)

We do that, too! We have our fancy dinner on any day except Valentine's – because it's always 2x as expensive and crowded on that day. What's romance? lol

I don't get my husband anything for Valentine's Day; he doesn't get me anything, either. We used to give each other gifts but decided it was a waste of money/time/effort to get each other a gift. We're not the most romantic couple, lolz.

That article...wow. Is this the writer, then?

Just because you'll never check, I'm positive you have a $5,000 ring.

no thanks!

"What is Straight Guy afraid of on the street?"

I know! That part really drives home the point. Most people would think nothing of that situation if it were presented the way it actually happens everyday (a woman's personal space being crowded by a confident shirtless man). When you switch genders, it highlights exactly how overbearing, intimidating and gender

Where are their priorities? Being assaulted/sexually harassed/threatened is bad, sure...but can you imagine the shame and injustice of an empty OKCupid inbox?!

I've ruined way too many keyboards myself... lol that would sound bad if I was a guy.

I use wet wipes on mine, too. Cleans it pretty well.

Turns out, if you drop an iphone 5 into a toilet and let it sit for approximately 3 seconds, it doesn't damage it at all. I would prop it up so all the water can drain fully for the next 30 minutes, though. I only know this because it happened to a friend, of course.

Just horrible. What kind of uncouth, nasty motherfucker would use their iphone on the toilet?