
Me too! I'll start the bidding.

LOL I have a guy friend who would always comment that "girls with herpes are cute" after watching the commercials.

There is no price too high for this.

lol he's so hood at Lenox Mall

Yeah, she did injure a couple of people, but they had nothing to do with her dispute, so I don't know how she could get any kind of sick satisfaction out of hurting unrelated innocents. She sounds looney tunes.

hah! Good to know I'm not the only one who does that. He gets so mad at me and I'll be like, "YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING ME UP!" Plus, half the time I tell him to turn over, he's still in dreamland and can't understand me.

hah! Oh that makes much more sense now. It's inappropriate to wear a bikini when you're 50...just like it's inappropriate to wear a bikini to a funeral. WHAT???

lol I would totally shop at Claw Back Your Youth!

This is horrifying. But it also kinda looks like he's trying to eat candy lips.

Weird...I though it was Daryl Hannah, when I first saw the pic. But when I read what you wrote, I immediately recognized her as Betsey Johnson.

Could a store have a more obnoxious name than Forever 21?

LOLZ As soon as she starts saying,"This is for everyone. Everyone has facial hair, I don't care who you are, everyone..." her dog pops up in the back ground.

I was thinking that because she looks exactly the way she did in Ghost World. That was 13-14 years ago, though, hah! Maybe it's just that she hasn't changed her features any, just "refreshed" them?

Scarlett looks beautiful. She doesn't look like she's had any surgery – like so many other actors/actresses, though I guess she's still pretty young.

I saw something recently that said the absolute worst thing you can do when they start whining is to feed them, since that only encourages it. DUH makes sense, right? You'd think I wouldn't have to explain this to him. ;)

I thought it was interesting that HLN featured "Fit Mom" Maria Kang expressing "concern" over her dramatic weight loss. She basically said Rachel Frederickson lost too much weight, and did it too fast:

You are a very wise woman. I think I've created a monster. Is there a way to undo the damage once it's been done?

Wow. That's the first I've heard of that one. WWJD! lol

I've eaten dinners with people who left almost nothing (usually relatives or in-laws) and me or my husband snuck back to the table to add more. It's especially annoying when you're with a large group and there are people who swear they put in X amount when you know they didn't.

USA #1!