
If you only "tried it" and you don't know what heavy withdrawal really feels like, your point is irrelevant. My point is that plenty of people are on high doses of medically prescribed opiates, enough so that they are already in heavy withdrawal if they stop.

I've never heard of Jared Padalecki, either.

Lots of people get addicted to opiates because they've had surgery, or wisdom teeth removed or any of the 12392839 things normal everyday people do when they go to the doctor. Vicodin, oxy, percocet – all of that might as well be heroin. They're all opiates, just like heroin. Heroin makes a perfect substitute for any

Bwahahahaha... my husband can't even hide if he's bored or not. I don't think I need to worry about him putting on an accent or bowing.

Slut-shaming is only done to women by women? ok. This is why I can't read that shit. I get too angry and take it out on my poor husband, just because he's a man. hah Good thing I don't hit him, or I guess he'd be totally justified in breaking my nose!

I can't make myself wander over to Reddit, not after the shit I've read on Jezebel. I don't think it would be good for my mental and physical health.

did you have to mention puka shells?

If it looks like it may have just accidentally landed in your hair (bits of sequins, feathers, netting or lace) then it may be properly worn indoors.

Thanks! I'll try that. Greasy hair is not a good look. :)

It makes such a difference when you find the right shampoo! Nexxus used to make a good one (Aloe Rid) but it's discontinued.

I was joking in my other response about not showering, but yeah my hair gets so greasy after just 1 day. A lot of shampoos give me horrible build-up and I'll get flat, limp hair immediately after showering – I don't know if this is a hard water thing? I started using Bumble & Bumble Sunday Shampoo and that seems to

lol It's a simple decision. Will I be in *public? If yes, shower. If no, don't.

I think the eyes thing refers to when your pupils dilate. Your pupils tend to dilate when you see something you want/like or someone you're sexually attracted to. I'm guessing it's attractive because it's an indicator that the other person is attracted to you. How narcissistic, right? hah Here's more about it:

Speaking as a woman here – stuff like being able to cook well and be passionate about something really doesn't turn me on, especially not independent of other more important qualities. It's always the x factor that adds chemistry and if I knew what that was, I'd be rich. I'm guessing it's the same for guys, right?

Ok, he sounds a little weird. Best of luck to you! :)

For the record, I get 0 manicures a year and I'm married...which must mean my husband isn't a real man.

I missed my chance to click on it and now it won't show up again! So I went to the website listed (enchantmen.com *lovely name*) and found this horseshit:

This happens to me all the time. :) Maybe people feel like it's less intrusive than email or phone?

What would wimmin do without helpful tips like these (courtesy of Facebook):

I don't know why some Meetup groups don't put more effort into making newbies feel welcome – that is the point of the groups, after all. Maybe part of it is plain old social awkwardness. Some groups have been great about projecting a welcoming attitude...others, not so much.