
Yeah, no, I don't get randomly calling out mostly completely normal people doing completely normal things. It's kinda nuts.

Yep, if a model doesn't already have a completely unrealistic cartoon figure now, she gets the super deluxe photoshop treatment. I wonder what models will look like in 20 years?

Actually, maybe Christie Brinkley would still have been a supermodel today, albeit one with a huge eating disorder. So, you know, totally different from all the other models.

I think Candice is retouched, but not to look skinnier. Like you said, they make her look softer, maybe more boneless. I haven't seen any Victoria's Secret ads where she looks like this:

I know, I can barely stand to look at those old covers – such fatties!!!

Wow, that makes me wonder if Christie Brinkley would have been a supermodel now – probably not.

lol Is this picture legal?

What bikini top?

Pretty sure someone would get fired today for not photoshopping her thighs into this:

I'm struck by how different bodies looked without photoshop. Like this one of Christie Brinkley – compare it to a modern Victoria's Secret shot with the same type of bandeau bikini. Christie Brinkley has thighs (and armpit pouch, and a normal belly) here that they would never allow now:

If a lot of women claim looks aren't important in a guy, it's because we've been socialized to feel bad about saying looks are important. I think it's a myth that's perpetuated by the media (i.e., films in which the conventionally unattractive man bags the supermodel with a heart of gold). We know that men comprise

"women fall in love more with things surrounding the guy, rather than the man himself. They'll fall in love with his looks, or his money, or his possessions, or his potential. They'll always want him to improve, or they'll look for someone better, whereas guys will accept a woman for what she is."


I don't think anyone likes being judged solely on looks. As a woman, I think it's just that if we get enraged every time we feel judged by our looks, we'd be permanent balls of rage (which, lolz, I feel I am sometimes). And it would be great if we were "allowed" to feel this way, but angry women are all too often

"For lots of guys, looks are the ONLY thing that matter; for most women, looks are ONE thing that matters."

And the odds are stacked against women physically and culturally. So even though the advantage may not always go to a man in terms of physical strength, he usually still gets the advantage in terms of power and status. After the attempted rape/assault, his word usually holds more weight than hers, especially if he

haha!! Love that guy:

Lol, I can send her over to you if you'd like. ;)

That shit's so annoying. I even get these as a woman with an obviously female first name. My facebook profile states that I'm married, not looking and I get messages like these all the time, supposedly from "women" who think I'm "cute".