I'm an idiot for assuming this was in the US – I apologize for that. Thanks for answering. :)
I'm an idiot for assuming this was in the US – I apologize for that. Thanks for answering. :)
Good point. Even if a woman is looking for casual sex, a message like "are you DTF?" sets off alarms. I'd think, what kind of person would start a conversation in such a sexually aggressive way? Someone that's not right in the head, or someone who has issues with women that translate into rape and physical violence?…
I love the assholes in cars. Put them on the street and they wouldn't say boo to a squirrel, but as soon as they're inside a moving vehicle with locked doors they grow the biggest set of balls.
That's interesting. hah Since it looks like no one has asked you yet, I'm dying to know: which side of the country produced more creepy/sexually explicit messages? I understand if you want to maintain anonymity by not mentioning specific cities – maybe just tell us the general region? :)
Funny that they never seem to notice women being positive about sex. It's almost like women don't want to have sex with them.
Aren't a lot of these guys the ones who claim to get shafted because women only date good-looking assholes? Who's jealous here?
Fuck it, I give up. When their top strategists are coming up with things like Operation Bikini Bridge, what chance do our feeble girl brains have?
I dunno, I think Swifties are still a step up from Beliebers.
Oh, I have no doubt you did. :D
That's interesting. One of her fans is called LittleMsSwifty – a young feminist-in-training??
My condolences for being forced to sit through a Taylor Swift concert.
There are parts of this much older article from 1992 (http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/archi…) that are pretty damning. It describes his fawning, almost obsessive behavior toward Dylan:
I'm impressed! Your dog was smart enough to figure it out...or was that a happy accident? :)
Team Cat, FTW! LOL...although if they were to test cats, I'm not sure the outcome would have been much better.
I don't think that makes you odd at all. :) I think there are lots of women out there who are turned on by men in women's clothes, far more than would publicly admit it. I've had lots of friends (girls) who were into more traditionally effeminate looks on men. We always joked that it worked out perfectly because then…
No, you're right, I feel bad about saying anything now. My taste has been shaped by society's superficial standards, as much as I hate to admit it.
hah I don't care what people wear – more power to them if they love wearing a bra. Having said that, that's definitely one piece of clothing that would instantly kill the mood for me if I found it under a dude's T-shirt.
I definitely wasn't thinking "Oh, all guys are just like this" when I read it. It just seemed like a funny commentary on the quirks of sex/one-night stands/fwb. I wonder how I would take it if it were written with the genders reversed? When I think of it that way, I can see why it might not be so funny to read about…
lolz!!! the best part: