
fancy french butter:

Much appreciated. :)

Can someone tell me WTF is going on?! lol

Hmmm, yes, yes it is. Someone needs to get to the bottom of this. Please to explain?

You were saying something about my cat having mad style (that's her in her "Thundershirt" btw) but now your comment has disappeared...weird...

lol my cat has never dragged anything as nasty as Robin Thicke in, either. She usually sticks to dead mice and birds.

Even though my cat has a beautiful thigh gap, she dresses way better than Miley. She does have a little bit of a muffintop, though:

"Cats are basically exactly like Miley Cyrus."

The perfect combo of a young girls' dreams with those of an old lush.

Good thing Jon Gosselin would never exploit his children for money.

Wow, every guy pictured said yes. At least tell me that the ones who dissented were cropped out? Please? For my sanity?

Ok, I retract my statement that I "LOVE SEX just like men" because I'm not going to pretend to know exactly who's winning in the libido race. Happy?

Cool, glad you like to generalize. I'm not saying I have the highest sex drive of anyone - if that's what you took away from my OP, that wasn't my intention. I just get tired of the idea that women have very little to no sex drive; this misconception ultimately harms both men and women. Do men in general have stronger

Flesh colored pants fail!

You seem angry. Why would a totally natural human instinct that applies to both genders make me feel special? lol I definitely don't feel special when I want dick, it actually makes me feel pretty average, you know, for a straight woman. I don't understand your barometer for true horniness; you're implying that I must

lol me too!! I'll start the bidding at $750. Anyone?

I think her ass is just really hungry.

I know. Did we really just start 2014? Hard to believe...

Holy shit, I wouldn't have thought this was possible. WTF is wrong with these anti-choice idiots? Force a likely disabled baby into this nightmare scenario for a broken family to deal with. Brilliant idea, not hypocritical at all.

Hang in there!