
My father who supported me in everything and is very ill and shut in a nursing home alone is a man as is my neighbour, who is working all hours as a nurse and putting his life on the line. Your comment is offhand and frankly very disturbing. So sorry men fucked you over that you feel happy that they will probavly die.

I’m in Montreal and our province is trying to get ahead of the whole thing. Anyone that can has been mandated to work from home for the next two weeks and, since we are a tech centered city, this is basically about 1/2 the 1 million population of the city. This effectively also gave those that needed to go out enough

I feel for all the small businesses in the area that depend on these events or festivals to make their bottom lines. This may drive quite a few into closure/bankruptcy. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my co worker stick a paperclip in his ear then put it in his mouth and suck. That is all.

Lol. I think I would have been upset if I hadn’t already decided to break up with him. Wonder if it was his “thing” / breakup strategy? 

Was with a really sweet guy for a few months but just wasn’t clicking, he wanted the whole kids, dog and bungalow in the burbs and I was definately loft in the city girl. The relationship was really dragging by November but it was so near Christmas and his birthday that it seemed cruel to break up right then. Day of

Yep. The gravy comes in little individual cups on the plate. She drank hers with her pinky out 🤣

My grandmother once managed to put a half bbq chicken in her purse. We took her out to a rotisserie restaurant and once the food was in the table she took her napkin patted her lips, dropped the napkin on her plate and slipped the chicken into her bag that was opened on her lap. We continued to eat and just had to

So the man and I are having his parents over for the first time after we moved in together. He decided to make Indonesian from a packet that a friend brought us back from Europe whilst on vacation. So a) we don’t read dutch b) the measurements are in decileters (more common to use centiliters and liters in Canada.)

AWWW. My dad use to let me play hairdresser and put all sorts of bows and barrettes in his hair.

Was the picked on kid all through elementary so when I ended up going to a private high school in another arrondissement Itook the chance to be assertive. First week in three girls corner me in the locker room and try to push me around. I slam one into a locker. Punch the other in the stomach and whisper really  low

I have a metal plate and 7 screws holding my tibia together from tripping on a sidewalk. It is nerve-wrackingly easy to break a bone so if Binkley says she broke it I say its definitely possible .

I love planning. I think I have almost single handedly planned every trip since I was 10. Planning is actually a big part of my project management job now AND. I. LOVE. IT! There is something so zen about bringing ideas together and making order from chaos.

We had two Hooters locations in Montreal. Both folded. In a town know for food and strip clubs I don’t know what else they expected to happen 🤷‍♀️

I much prefer the stick deodorant than the shorts. Shorts somehow always get rolled up and I have to do this weird obvious tug to get them back down. Also, no matter what your size is, most of our thighs touch, skinny or not. This is not just an issue that hits larger people.

I much prefer the stick deodorant than the shorts. Shorts somehow always get rolled up and I have to do this weird

If you want something a bit fancier than Ikea, Crate and Barrel has a nice modular shelving system. However records don’t fit in sliding door unit. I have this in walnut. 

If you want something a bit fancier than Ikea, Crate and Barrel has a nice modular shelving system. However records

Your apartment should smell like stale cigarette and wine from the cigs you’ve drowned in the dregs of your sub par syrah of which many glasses llitter every surface.

They redacted any mention of reproduction in our biology text books except for cellular division and we had no sex ed. Totally understand. 

These shoes from Jil Sander. Except they were in black lazer cut in leaf patterns. Never fiund any fir sale in my size 

But have you seen the mashup between lazy town and a lil jon rap video?