
Met him and his brother a few times at frat parties at university and also had a few people I know in classes with him. Never heard of any assault or aggression issues. He was just your typical ass of a 22 year old with a famous father for those who think he's hiding a history of sexual assault. 

Spoiler alert

I have just been to a whisky tasting which I went to alone and was the only woman there. I enjoyed myself immensely and got into a discussion with the brand embassador about our favorite whiskies and the current astronomical price rise. Then we both got sad that we can’t afford to buy all the whiskey.

A Melanie here which was very common here in the, early 70's. There were 5 of us in one high school class and being alphabetically assigned a seat by last name we all somehow got seated together. Hence the Mia moniker.

These freaking timeout dolls were also the worst. They had no faces as they are meant to be placed against a wall. Went to visit my patents in North shore New Brunswick about 10 years ago and everyone had one. All the next door neighbour about it and she said in one of those high pitched baby talk voices that it was

Only until they return your card with a aghast ‘I’m sooooooo sorry ma’am.’ true story.

Late to the game but it’s an accident waiting to happen as they are all crossing their legs in the classic I gotta pee stance.

I cannot stand the celebrity cook shows. Give me Chef John on foodwishes.com anyday despite the bad dad jokes. Also, all you ever see is his hands. After all its not about the cook its about the food.

This See by Chloe black leather bag Saw it in a local consignment for $120.

Also no one remembers that the bride and groom need to have some clothes for the next day. Can’t show up at a hotel breakfast or leave the hotel in a suit and wedding dress. Packed a next day bag with regular clothes and underwear and toothbrushes etc for my friends and made sure it was in their room.

I am going to O’Sheaga and would totally wear this although I don’t think I would get as far as the festival grounds without having ‘consumed’ it all. Need to be relaxed for steam swamp metro ride in August!

Thank you for listing the names of the victims. We so often end up concentrating on the suspect that the victims just become a hazy group not actual people with friends, families and work.

Reports have now come out from The SQ (Surete de Quebec police force) that one man was the suspect and the other was a witness that fled in terror. News agencies are not reporting exactly which man was the suspect but one can guess.

Actually most countries are already contributing. All they are doing now is trying to cover what the US had already promised and now Trump has taken away.

Trump. Sorry! I couldn’t help it!

They do a truly awesome outdoor show. Saw them last year at Osheaga Dont think I will hazard Coachella. Did Desert Trip and the parking, shuttles were a nightmare. At least At Osheaga you can take the cheap ass metro to the event site.

Hell I’m in French Canada and even I know what they are.

When I was small my grandmother use to show me her photo album of the dead. She would take photos of people she knew in their coffins. She was born in a small village in 1895 I think so this may have been a carry over from the Victorian practise. She carried this up right through the 60s when her kids made her stop.

Yup, heard from them about 20 minutes ago and they are fine so far. Gas station at the end of their street was flattened though.

My cousin lives on the barrier as well. Her and her husband didn’t leave. We’re all waiting for news from them. Thank goodness your convinced your family out.