My Hooptie Fleet is Boring

Unions don’t prevent you from firing slackers. They just make sure you follow a standard procedure that requires documenting issues so if you fire someone it’s for just cause.

Then they shouldn’t be free.  Open to the public for use, fine.  Owned and operated by the government (city, county, state, fed), fine, but not free.

Sadly, what Jim is saying is what I’ve heard from almost every upper manager ever. One guy called employees “light bulbs”. You could just go to a store (contractor) and get as many bulbs (employees) as you needed.

Never mind that Cramer’s probably overlooking NAFTAv2 issues there, but who’s going to buy the damn cars then?

Also, if you have a loaded weapon in your vehicle and you are pulled over, the first thing you tell the officer is that you have a loaded weapon in your vehicle.

Lets make sure to cover the rest of the story from the trib

If workers cannot ask for, in a collective manner, better working conditions and higher wages (even if they do not get them) then they are not workers they are more akin to slaves.

The 6 speed auto programing was bad. It can be solved, but it was bad.

Any CVT Subaru.

This went down the way it needed to. I am normally very critical of any killing at the hands of police but in this case it’s pretty black & white. This “Sovereign Citizen” was the aggressor and earned his Darwin award, full stop.

The oil and gas industry’s potential revenue stream opens a catch-22 where electric vehicle production is reliant on fossil fuel extraction”

But why did it take so long and many thefts? There are dozen of cameras! How did this go down the first dozen or so times?

So that’s where the vibrator went!

At least this $100 Million would stay in country.

Can’t extract and refine lithium without fossible fuels in any case...

Unfortunately electrical heat sources are simply much less reliable than natural gas when there is heavy snow and ice. Being green is good but freezing to death is not ¯\_()_/¯

why is it sacred ?
before euro-settlers arrived - did they even have a concept of “land ownership” or was it - “which ever tribe was most successful in taking over this year “?

I think people just want their vehicle to do too much. They want Minivan space, with the sexy lines of a big sedan, the performance and speed of a super car, and the ride height of truck to get to their camp site once a year. All vehicles outside of a few lemons should be able to at least last you 60K miles trouble

Racing isn’t safe, and the drivers know that.

I say make the cars even faster!

Maybe do more than have to turn the wheel slightly in one direction for the entire race?