My Hooptie Fleet is Boring

“I felt like I knew more than they did,” Richards said.

I hate to hit everyone with CA1 over the head, as it’s such a common highway to tout, but driving it on an early, EARLY spring morning north of Malibu headed up to Santa Barbara is just... sublime.  Like, there’s nothing like it anywhere in the rest of the country.

At this point, saying “the TSA is worthless security theatre” is like saying “water is wet.”  It goes without saying.

Do you need to be to suss out a gun-shaped lump of metal on a screen?

I have serious questions about that TSA location. Does TSA monitor and test how well staff are doing their jobs? If this doesn’t warrant a review, then what will?

I mean, I think it’s ok to criticize both. TSA didn’t do their job but that doesn’t absolve the senator of personal responsibility. Also, I have not doubt there are some comments here saying “there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner” (I haven’t read them all), but the few I’ve read scrolling through are from

Really makes you wonder why he is flying to China for “vacation” doesn’t it?

But who’s going to fine the TSA for not doing their work?

Damn, I don’t need to play any games of chance today.

Senator Wilson was traveling to Hong Kong for vacation when he inadvertently packed his revolver inside his carry-on luggage

I like gasoline.

Just what I want to do on vacation - go to a laundromat in a strange city.

That’s a GTA-V level rundown right there.

I have 60k on my RAV4 Hybrid and like it a lot. I get 40mpg easily in city driving. Zero complaints

Anyone else remember when car sites weren’t staffed by political hacks?

I don’t really care what type of person Tuberville is.  This is a GD car news site.  F*ck off with this shit.

$100GRR and this is what you get for A/C?

Why the GM motor though?

“People don’t want to work” and “it’s hard to find good labor” are code words for “I don’t pay enough.”

lol they got what they want, even before asking for it. Least they could do is give the SFPD a 5-star review.