My Hooptie Fleet is Boring

Do people who write for Jalopnik actually like cars?

Due to an airline issue they wouldn’t let my dogs on board, I drove Edmonton to Oakland CA with about a 4 hour nap. I say let the woman travel in cargo and whatever happens happens, RIP Ruede and Sterling

There’s a ton of weirdness here.

GM always gonna GM.

Gee, maybe they’d sell more if every EV the general public can afford wasn’t awful...

I think this post kind of proves that what the people really want is Sedans, coupes and wagons and 1 SUV over crossovers.

Driving this car is like taking a laxative. You aren’t really looking forward to it. It’s kinda unpleasant and uncomfortable when you are doing it. And you are really happy when the experience is over.

I really hate I missed this.

HOT TAKE: A lot of these are not normal cars. 

Long before there were upper middle class folks hucking Raptors and TRX’s, there were hillbillies airing out GMT400s in their back 40. Here’s me at a tender age doing my best dukes impression.

Every experience I’ve had with a Toyota dealership has given me the impression that they genuinely don’t care if they get my business or not and that they’re going to charge as much as they can get away with over MSRP. It’s really turned me off of buying them. Now that I’m mainly looking at EVs, they’re not even kind

A Yamaha 750 Seca was my daily driver for about a year in 1990-91. Cruising along late one night along a rural highway a car came up on me quick and close, acting a fool. I ignored them a while till they got close enough to make me nervous and I put some distance between us. I slowed back down to cruise the speed

My most impressive feat of driving is actively avoiding shitbox Nissans, Infinitis, and Dodge Chargers/Challengers in regular traffic. Not an easy task in Kansas City.

Mine was just last week. I went to the beach ostensibly to give my foot/ hip a workout from walking in the sand and climbing dunes. The sand was incredibly loose which didn’t affect me because I air down my tires. Others didn’t do what I did, and they got stuck. I ended up recovering I think like 6 vehicles in total,

Hey Toyota, start by building the cars people would love to try and buy if they could. I’ve talked to so many people that would buy a Sequoia except you can’t find them. Others would buy a RAV4 hybrid or Prime...but good luck. oh and I can’t wait until Tacoma’s try hitting the lot, that will be hilarious. BUILD THE

3rd Gear: When you’re the largest automaker in the world, you hedge your bets precisely because that’s how you got to be at the top. 

Maybe it’s just the Merican in me, but all I’m hearing is we should force people to buy things they don’t want, and can’t afford, to be used in a infrastructure that isn’t ready.

Personally, I think going full-EV is a bad idea and mandating it is an even worse idea. And I’m an EV owner. Getting rid of the pure-ICE vehicle isn’t a terrible idea, but not leaving room for efficient PHEVs and hybrids that better fit the needs of most American drivers is a huge mistake.

I live downtown in a major city. There are charging stations outside of the city, not inside. Am I going to drive an hour round trip to sit there for another 45 to get 250 miles on my EV? Heck no.

Kids are an easy straw man because most people either have them, or at least generally don’t want them splattered by big trucks. Nth-degree risk scenarios are always used in these situations and are usually ridiculous.  “Well this COULD happen, so now prove the negative!” If it weren’t kids it would be something else