Day 1 as CEO of BMW, I announce... a new car company. EMW. Seriously. Hear me out.
Day 1 as CEO of BMW, I announce... a new car company. EMW. Seriously. Hear me out.
$200k to spend and you’re asking for advice? He doesn’t have a pretty solid opinion of what he wants, or does he simply want to tell someone he has $200k to blow to gloat?
My car is old enough to have 2 kids, a messy divorce, and a questionable Tinder account.
Do you? More features doesn’t equal more value. I’d argue that a base shitbox is more value still than most crossovers that cost more.
How many of you feel like your car drives happier when it's clean?
If they leave the market, where will I get my pleather assless chaps with the name of my local dealership on them?
gas, grass or ass.. nobody rides for free
“Used Privately — Never as a Taxi!!!”
Neutral: an interesting, but attainable vehicle.
Idiot. No. It is not about being faster. It is about engagement and being connected to the car. Doing things yourself and enjoying every single aspect about actually DRIVING.
No need to discharge good seamen so hastily.
Any discipline they may have received has been kept under wraps, although the investigating officer recommended “non-punitive letters of instruction.”
Thank God I was young before cellphones
Is 20% just the tip?
I read the title wrong- I thought you could order a drive shaft from the accessories catalog.