My Hooptie Fleet is Boring

What ever happened to personal responsibility? The kid had a history of driving like a jack ass. That’s not Tesla’s fault. The kid would have drove that way regardless of what kind of car he was in. Same with firearm manufacturers, why sue them, because you don’t like guns? Why not file a suit against the alcohol

I’m a proud member of the IBEW, but 47% over 5 years. DAMN!!!

I had a ‘05 LS 430 until last year.  Man, was that car comfy!!!  The seat moved around in magical ways.  I was able to put down 1000-1100 miles a day in that car, without much pain.  I’ll be taking a road trip next month, CA - ND - WA -CA.  I’ve taken a few 5 hour each way road trips in it already, and have only had

Our Camry and RAV4 Hybrid sound like a space ship below 20MPH.  I kinda like it.

LOL Excellent point!

I like the Camry better, too.  I’m 6'5" and fit in it better.  I also prefer driving cars.  I drive like a grandpa, until it’s time for some corners.  Cars can bang the corners so much better lol

I’ve always tried to get the best gas mileage that I can, even when gas was cheap. I may work for an oil company, but I’m in no hurry to give my money back to them. EV’s just aren’t good enough to interest me, yet.  Once they get to 500-600 miles of range and sub 20 minute charge times, then I’ll make the switch.  I

1981 Plymouth Champ. It was a pile of dog shit, but we had so much fun!  Back in late 90's I was a car salesman.  This old lady came in with it as a trade.  The used car manager wanted nothing to do with it.  I offered her $300 for it, but she said I was sweet and sold it to me for $200.  My friends and I beat the

Exactly.  Not to mention that the TSX was never about being fast or quick.  It was all about getting it with the 6sp manual and banging corners faster than a 4 door FWD car should be able to.  It did that part pretty damn well.  I miss mine.

We recently helped out the 4th and 5th place vehicles. We replaced my wife’s ‘08 Slorolla with a 22 RAV4 Hybrid. It’s nicer than I thought it would be. She also drives like pure shit and still gets 40 MPG. I replaced my ‘21 C-HR, that we only bought because my wife wanted it, but ended up not wanting to drive it, with

First motorcycle - Totaled it, just like my dad said I would

Great points! While production is up, exports are up even more. 2020 and running out of storage capacity had a lot to do with that. A good deal of those permits are held up in some form of litigation. A lot of domestic production is exported at a higher price, then we turn around and import oil at a lower price to

I’m still upset over Elio.  I really wanted one!

So true! Let’s not overlook that fact that just by telling refineries to produce more doesn’t mean the oil to do so is magically going to appear. He should start on the production side and make it easier to produce. Maybe put some pressure on Newsome to stop blocking permits that are illegally being denied.

Came here to say the same thing

Can I bring my dog?

They’re not trucks for what you consider a truck is for. SXS’s are only good for bombing down dirt roads and driving like a tool. A truck or SUV is what is needed to travel and camp on hundreds of miles worth of trail.

What happens if your car finishes charging before you’re done eating?  It’d be a dick move to just leave it parked at the charger.

How are you liking the C-HR Hybrid? I recently sold my C-HR. Other than the blind spots, I liked it. There were a few other little things that bothered me, but it was a fun little daily driver. The plan was for me to buy it and pay it off, then it would become the wife’s car. She drove it a few times and decided it

I’ll get this part out of the way first. Yes, I work for a oil company. Yes, I believe in climate change. Yes, I believe that we need to take action.