My friends have always thought that I was crazy for loving all the quirky little cars from the 80's & 90's. I may actually be crazy, but it's good to know that I'm not alone.
My friends have always thought that I was crazy for loving all the quirky little cars from the 80's & 90's. I may actually be crazy, but it's good to know that I'm not alone.
Unintentional attempted vehicular manslaughter. The Avalon is a step up from a Camry.
I guess I’ll hold on to my 2003 Ford Ranger Sloth, with it’s 4 cylinders of anemic fury.
Such cool cars!
What do you get when you mix an entitled engineer, in a self driving Pruis and a Camry getting on the freeway?
With the exception of the F-150, I've always found it fun to replace "Ford" with "Anal". I guess I should use nostril instead. The Nostril Focus.
With all those buttons, you better have good Impulse control.
Whatever he has the impulse to fire.
No park bench rear wing?
Straight outta Tron
The only digital dash that I’ve ever had, was in a Nissan NX. Such a cool little car. I loved it!
I was born in ‘75. I grew up with cars from the 80's&90's. I give a shit about 60's era muscle cars. I have mad love for all the quirky shit the Japanese fiddled with.
80&90's were awesome times for cars. Granted, most American cars sucked, but the selection of trucks, real trucks, both big and small, were amazing! Don't even get me started on the imports, mainly the Japanese cars. They came of age in the 80's. I love this period of automotive history. I'm guessing that I'm not…
I would of been so pissed!
I was going to share how bad my ex trashed a car. Looks like it's more common than I thought. Come on people, get it together.
Great coverage, but damn, I have a thumb cramp from all the scrolling!
I hear you. My wife and I do pretty good. I work for a major oil company and she is a high level analyst, for the government. We bought a smaller house, in a good neighborhood. We have 4 cars, but all but 1 was bought used. I care more about saving for retirement and have FU money, than having a big house and new…
Life’s a garden, dig it.
I still want one!
I used to have a Metro Xfi. I had a 140 mile, round trip commute, from Nevada City to Sacramento and back. I beat the living shit out of that car. It never let me down and got a legit 48mpg while being abused.