
I wouldn’t have voted for Booker (in the primary; if he were the Democratic nominee I absolutely would have voted for him), but I’m disappointed that he hasn’t attracted more support. If people are looking for a relatively moderate candidate who wants to build bridges to Republicans, I think Booker would be a far

Peanut butter AND jelly?

I’ve got just the toothpicks for your deli:

Call me Captain Ruben 

There are enough people with huge sums of money to waste that they could price it at 1000 a pound and sell out immediately. This cheese is not going to foodies, its going to rich people.

The general feeling I’ve read from royal gossip devotees is that this was in the planning for months but The Sun got a leak (because at this point Buckingham Palace is porous as a sieve) and Harry jumped the gun to get in front of them and other tabs reporting. That community feels he made a mistake doing this instead

2 cops going to the dudes house for a “minor fender-bender”?

I think the Queen is in on it. See how everyone is talking about this now and not Child Rapist Andrew? Huh.

So at what point does the queen call her banners and put down this rebellion?

I was going to say the same thing about the photo.

In Austin, APD adopted a formal policy that officers are not allowed to lie as a ruse to get information on a case due to another lie that had very tragic consequences, here, years ago. In 1991, four teenage girls were murdered in the yogurt shop where they were working. Despite evidence pointing to other suspects,

Where every day is training to be a better liar, when it’s what you do as part of your job 95% of the time, you expect ALL cops to lie only out of court? To lie anywhere but on police reports? Some cops? A few cops?

Always assume the cop is lying.

If cops can lie on the job sometimes and for some reasons, when can they not lie, and why should we ever assume a cop is not lying? Isn’t lying to get justify an arrest almost the same as lying to get a conviction?

What the fuck was even the point of this lie?

Holy crap.

This guy watched Simone and Sipowicz lie to catch actual murderers and thought he should try it. Only no one gave him a case more important than a fender bender so he has to make do.


There may be gold in the back of that there cheese drawer in my fridge. 

This is the trend everywhere: don’t pay your workers enough to pay their bills, much less allow them to buy food. Or offer a wage that is $1-2 more than the wages in your area, but cut hours so everyone is part-time and still has to struggle. My last employer paid terribly, but gave the store manager petty cash go to