Cubans: “I might be Cuban. But at least I'm not Black.”
Cubans: “I might be Cuban. But at least I'm not Black.”
Oh, to imagine a near future where Graham is exercising his extreme ass-kissing skills with his manger at the grocery store...
“no one said this wasn’t photoshopped.”
Not all that different than the NYPD in the 80s. Which hmmm, seems to track with the timing of massive corruption in LA.... and overlap with a very demonizing policy called the “war on drugs”. I wonder where all these things intersect? Ah, it’s probably just random.
As Chris Tucker’s character said in Rush Hour: “The LAPD is the most hated police force in the world! My own mother is ashamed of me. She tells people I’m a drug dealer.”
Hmm think you mean you hope she comes to share your opinions on what constitutes empowerment and black feminism.
The trick is to be rude to everyone all the time, just to be safe from invitations to dinner.
lol, bless your heart.
The republicans, flush with corporate lobbying cash from the likes of the Kochs and the Walton family and backed by the relentless propaganda of Fox, Rush Limbaugh, etc., have halted the New Deal, Civil Rights, Women’s Rights and any Progressive progress we have made in this nation.
The 2020 election will be interesting.
I don’t blame her. The Overton Window moved so far right in the last 30 years that moderate Dems are old school GOP.
The dog story is my county. And yes, I’d have a local Publix employee to dinner. We all went to the service for our favorite bagger when he passed, and I had drinks with a cashier who was also a neighbor a few times. Were any of my local Publix employees alone on a Holiday, I’d happily invite him or her to join me.…
He’s a cis gendered white man who once made jokes that could vaguely be characterized as transphobic (not really though). The good people at jezebel will hate him forever. There is nothing he could have said yesterday to change that.
Thanks for the transcript. Confirmed what i thought last night. It felt pretty tame to me. I’m wondering if his tone was more jovial, like it was in past years, if people would still feel he was being mean.
In my area we don’t have greeters at the supermarkets but the folks who are the cart-getters and baggers are often special needs. That might explain the complete lack of understanding of social norms or cues on display here. Hopefully a good supervisor could provide guidance and not just fire someone for inappropriate…
I thought the question was funny because a few weeks ago I had a cashier remark on my purchase of glass ramekins and (jokingly) invite himself over for the chocolate lava cakes I was planning to make in them. It went to too far as he started detailing his work schedule for me.
Less than actual life imprisonment with no amenities whatsoever would be unjust for such inconceivably heinous monstrosity of a crime.
Look at her eyes. I have feeling that there are a few animal bones and a human skull in her closet.
It’s always in the eyes, isn’t it?