Eh. I mean fire arms in general already make it far to easy to be considered sporting, in my opinion.
Eh. I mean fire arms in general already make it far to easy to be considered sporting, in my opinion.
We have to hope that Ashley Judd will be the one to take him down.
You sit there in Washington so frightened of the big, bad Republican machine you have no idea what people are thinking. I’m telling you right now, Tom DeLay is going to lose in his district. If Democrats in Washington haven’t got enough sense to OWN the issue of political reform, I give up on them entirely.
Damn guess Mariah must’ve scar Em for life or something.
That’s some coyote arm level shit.
I get what you’re saying. I’m older, grew up during the 80s. ‘Smear the Queer’ was a popular game boys played. Homophobic content was -everywhere-, as we well know. I laughed (many many times) at Eddie Murphy’s Raw — including the very homophobic stuff. some point....I stopped finding it funny. …
As another poster once said, “Some motherfuckers ain’t about shit.”
Dear HyperMasculine Black Men:
And here folks, is the winner of the 2019 Trash Father of the Year.
If this was your audition for Head Word Salad Double,you got this.
I did Trump cosplay in a Facebook reply not too long ago.
She really doesn’t care. Do you?
Yep, he inspires millions of people but we must remember there are millions of more people that aren’t, the electoral college (a few thousand votes, in a few states) got him in the office not a majority population of the country.
Yes because to them ignorance, stupidity and sticking it in the faces of those superior to them is all that matters. They see their own stupidity reflected in him and they want to let us know that we selected him because we know it bothers you. These are the people that put on a suit jacket & jeans, wear sneakers to…
They laughed at him like a DOG. And Princess Anne? She don’t know Trump.