Ronan Farrow is burning NBC to the ground and I am here for it. That’s what they get for trying to kill Farrow’s original Weinstein story in 2017.
Ronan Farrow is burning NBC to the ground and I am here for it. That’s what they get for trying to kill Farrow’s original Weinstein story in 2017.
Love her, she really trying to act like she ain’t got maids/people/etc. for this? Let’s be real;he’d never have to ask her for those things anyway as a result.
True. If a guy is going to be the type to ask where his dinner is, he’ll do it whether you’re officially married or not. Either Stedman wasn’t going to ask anyways or her cook is the one hearing about it.
exactly and if I understand the story correctly this video is actually the police showing up the day after the two boys were originally arrested. They came home and there was family waiting and then the cops started arresting everyone. Why did the same cop show up at the same house the very next day?
I like your ideas. Tell me more about this place you come from where black people have these “rights”
This is clearly harassment. Holy shit. Also, how can you arrest someone for loitering on private property (whether they live there or not)? Wouldn’t someone have to confirm that they were trespassing? This is so much frightening bullshit.
I’ll always miss the Sherbert and Fried Clams.
I’m sticking with Panera Bread’s Egg and Cheese on Brioche. With a package of potato chips. Don’t judge me.
The best people. The best.
When they called this “Stupid Watergate” they were being kind. Really Trump is gonna let Rudy and Co go to jail rather than admit any guilt. I really can’t wait to see white people try & support this. Oh wait they do every fucking day without blinking an eyelash
Ah, the denizens of former (and current) Soviet states: the finest white people.
Really, I couldn’t stop laughing. Like does he mean all the women he fucked while married are supposed to have a pack amongst themselves to keep quiet? He’s just pissed he got fired, had to give his wife half of the money, everyone hates him and he can’t get laid. LOL. What a fucking wanker. He needs to shut the fuck…
“For two years, the women with whom I had extramarital relationships have abandoned shared responsibility”
Sounds like someone who views black athletes as his personal action figures, or you know, a slave. Fucking racists think they’re just required to say whatever racist shit is on their mind. Maybe that’s why they pretend to care about “free speech” all the time; they probably think it’s their divine duty to say racist…
Dave and his wife are overdue for The Reckoning. When the Alzheimer's kicks in and only Haitians come to wipe their butts.
Jonathan Sutherland should use the letter as toilet paper and mail it back to the ghoul who wrote it.
I’m sure that they wrote an equally strongly worded letter to the children who were abused at Penn State telling them to just think of the school’s reputation.
An open comment (That Jonathan will never see but that’s okay). I think your hair is awesome man. Fuck that noise, burn the letter.