
“And I don’t understand the anger. And I guess I could say if you profess religious beliefs and you are going to follow them, I would hope that they not be situational and limited to one race only.”

Oh man, this is getting more depressing. Her words are just as damning as her actions. Again, you can be smart in one area and completely clueless in another, a la Ben Carson. See, it’s not enough that we encourage our children or people to study hard, we also need to ground them in Blackness otherwise they integrate

This is what makes this whole Ukraine affair so astounding. Hunter Biden already was a legitimate issue to attack Joe from. His actions on their face are sleazy. There was no need to commit crimes to establish this.

They did. The myth that vast swathes of them didn’t is just that - a myth.

Since political conventions are hardly ever contested these days, why even have them anymore?

Talk about hurting your head: I knew a guy in the run-up to the 2016 election who was like “I can’t decide if I’m voting for Bernie or Trump.”

Bernie always says it’s about us, the people, not him. I think the best move is for him to discuss going on Warren’s ticket as VP candidate. If it is truly about us, It should be no problem for him. I’m pro-bernie and he has my vote. But Warren is an easy 2nd choice especially if they meld their platforms together to

I don’t get it either man. To me it’s Bernie, then a pretty big gap to Warren, then getting hit by a bus. I just think the vast majority of the American people have no coherent political ideology and it’s not worth putting much thought in to it unless you want your head to hurt. 

second choice of both Sanders and Warren voters is just as likely to be Biden as it is to be the other lefty.

I would love a Sanders/Warren (or Warren/Sanders) ticket but I’d much rather see someone younger and/or less white on there to be honest. I think both of them together might be more of a liability - election wise - than you’d think.

Just make the ticket Sanders/Warren. Sanders gets to be President for a few months before dropping dead then Warren gets the job. Everyone is happy except maybe Sanders cause he dropped dead and all.

Counter-Counter-Point: The idea of a contested convention is a political reporter’s wet dream. It is floated every election cycle between the summer before the first primary and super tuesday. It is probably what Chris Cizilla’s prostitute whispers into his ear to get him tumescent.

Possible counter-point to consider. A contested convention might be the only story big enough politically to escape the ever-present, all-eclipsing, mega-black-hole of media coverage that is Donald Trump. As you mention, that’s free press going to talking about the Democratic party and their ideas, and NOT just trump.

Bernie finishing his tweet with “Medicare for all” is the political equivalent of an NFL player leaving the field on a stretcher giving the crowd a thumbs-up. It’s nothing short of awesome. 12/10! #FTW

this socialist has a one track mind. I dig it.

On the contrary, he needs Warren and Bernie to stay in as long as possible

Once again, the nice guy gets the health scare, while Fat Satan continues to live a life that is just ripe for a heart attack, yet will likely never have one.

Joe Biden Translation: “Please for the love of God, DIE OLD MAN! JUST DIE ALREADY!!”

TIL: Tim Ryan and John Delaney are still running for president!

Bernie’s own tweet was the best. Thoughts and prayers are hot air; Medicare for All would actually accomplish something worthwhile for everybody.