Totally normal for the Secretary of State to be leaving DC to cool his heels for a while in eastern Europe until this Impeachment stuff blows over!
Glorious if true. Sadly I suspect they know their grift still has long legs.
I can’t believe I feel somewhat shocked about all of the actual corruption going on. I thought, maybe, sure, they were gonna do all of the things we thought they would but that they would do it all secret like, that we wouldn’t find out until these things were declassified fifty years from now (barring global warming,…
“’s obvious that something is eating at his brain...”
Despite the chaos, this shit is profitable for the news-media-entertainment-industrial-complex. Its okay. Disney will own everything in a decade anyway. And with that, 45 may still be president. In fact, it may be in the best interests of the news-media-entertainment-industrial-complex to ensure that 45 is…
I hate him, but the whole thing has become completely depressing in the way that age inevitably makes soup of all of us. He hasn’t been a raving lunatic his whole life; it’s obvious that something is eating at his brain and he belongs at home ranting at a tv in his bathrobe, not broadcast on one.
Giving free air time to the Trump campaign is how we got a Trump presidency in the first place. There’s no intellectual merit to letting Giuliani onto their networks.
Oh great Ambien is on sale at CVS again!
HoneyNut #5? Watchout, Omar’s comin
The fact that you have honey nut ranked #5 makes this list suspect at best. I’ve yet to try the maple, which sound delicious, so I’ll give you a pass on that one. Otherwise, you are wrongwrongwrong. :)
Clicked that link and now I have a meeting with HR in an hour.
As a white Canadian male I really want to say, “Not all white people”... but y’know what? It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Because ENOUGH white people are like this. I hate it. And I hope that eventually we can either selectively breed this sort of hate out of people, or bring back stocks in the middle of…
The proper way to handle this is to sneak in behind her while she’s yelling and let the air out of all her tires.
Fruity Cheerios are delicious.
This list is blasphemous. Honey Nut and Original FTW. Everything else is junk!
How are Honey Nut Cheerios not number 1... even losing out the standard Cheerios? This is supposed to be about taste, something standard Cheerios don’t have.
Maybe she was coerced into a John McClane type thing with international terrorists where instead of wearing a sandwich board that proclaimed his love for the melanated she was to scream it out for all to hear at the local CVS or else those terrorists were gonna blow up the local Popeye’s right after they restocked the…