Monte Hellman's Mayonnaise

I would hope that Fresno would be smart enough to kick Nunes to the curb. Am I wrong that they have a GOP rep mostly because of wealthy, traditional low-tax loving Republicans, similar to San Diego/SoCal, rather than due to a staunchly red/socially conservative bent?

As someone who is 24 weeks pregnant, this is particularly disturbing because pregnant women get things like birth defect testing (spina bifida, down syndrome, other more severe defects, full anatomy scans) around or right before 20 weeks, which means in Iowa they may not find out certain health issues about their

God, that guy is such a knuckle-dragging, beady-eyed, Nazi-looking hick motherfucker. Seriously, could Texas have elected anyone more awful looking/sounding/acting?

I liked the first two episodes (ridiculous, shamelessly stupid/silly humor that made me laugh pretty hard) but thought the 90s one was pretty lame. I think maybe they need to stay in Revolutionary War era to make it work.

I wanted to like Powerless after reading some positive reviews on AVC and elsewhere, but holy God was the pilot awful, and then I tried to watch the second episode and couldn't get through it all.

He really ain't too bright, is he?

Having spent a lot of time with kids, I would be more inclined to believe this is real than that someone was able to train a toddler to get the exact response they wanted.

So young and yet so cynical.

The founders certainly constructed it to be so. Executive power has grown a lot in recent decades, and there are some very big/important unilateral powers the President has the ability to exercise without the other two branches, but yes, overall, it still is the case that it's the weakest branch, which we can thank

It's interesting to me how Bannon seems to think he is already participating in an authoritarian regime. Like, we still have three branches of government, motherfucker! Until you succeed in destroying it all to hell, you can't just assume you can order congressmen (no matter how wormy, self-serving, and disgraceful

I live nowhere near DC, about 25 miles North of Baltimore. Pennsylvania and Delaware are closer to me, but not by much. Basically I'm stuck.

I live in Maryland, where booze cannot be sold at grocery stores, which includes Costco. So this item just depresses me. Thanks for NOTHING, INTERNET!

People in this country will let anything happen for a fucking tax cut.

I would literally pay all the money plus my first born child to have Merkel as the US president right now.

Sure, sanitation is important. But living in a modern society where indoor plumbing/sanitation, daily showers, and handwashing is the norm makes germaphobes seem even more ridiculous. It's not like it's the 1800s and scientists are pleading with people to understand germ theory.

I know this is mean, but I can't help but secretly think all germophobes are idiots.

I mean, technically it's already happening. The ICE and the CBP are already feeling empowered to stretch their authority into gray areas where they previously would not have gone, or would have gone into more infrequently. Reports of people being detained at airports for hours, families separated, people being

I will blatantly admit upfront that I came here to say this new Newswire commenting system is shit, and I just won't bother commenting on Newswires any longer unless it goes back to the way it was. Not that it probably matters to anyone except me, but I just wanted to say it.

Wasn't he posting at like 1 am? Unless he worked night shifts, I'm not sure how he was doing it on company time.

Wait, what? That's crazy! Who would do such a thing and why?? Plus it's none of his employer's business unless he is presenting himself as acting on behalf of the company!