Monte Hellman's Mayonnaise

So, in none of the trailers, marketing, or prequel short films was it mentioned that K is a replicant, at least I thought. Was this supposed to be common knowledge?


Trump will never resign. They will have to drag him out of there. And the Republicans will never vote to impeach their own party. I think we are truly stuck with him until 2020 at least. The only thing that could stop him would be a huge Democratic wave in 2018. That's still a year and a half away.

At the very least, he has had the integrity to be anti-Trump since the very beginning, and refuses to bend. The Never Trumpers in Congress still vote with him over 90% of the time.

I still watch it! Although I started rewatching the series recently and it's made the drop in quality over the last 2 seasons remarkably obviously. Seasons 2-4 1/2 were just out of this world funny, heartwarming, etc. I feel like somewhere along the way the chemistry between the writers and cast kind of withered. Even

Ten years ago, Escalades were driven by rich, white women who never worked a day in their lives.

They really shouldn't make people pay taxes on game show prizes. All I can think when I see an obviously lower income/lower education person win a huge prize is, "Oh honey, you're in for a lot more trouble than you bargained for." It's pretty depressing.

Thank fucking God finally this awful, awful show is done. Of course, I'll probably still be forced to hear the terrible promos for the show in syndication on the radio in the morning. Ugh.

Yeah I just don't think I can watch this. The 80s miniseries is so damned perfect in my view, one of my absolute favorite things to watch growing up. And no one, NOT NO ONE, can replace Colleen Dewhurst and especially Richard Farnsworth. Two more perfectly cast actors there have never been.

He wasn't forced, really, but yes Chaffetz 100% put him in a very difficult position. Which is why he erred. But I do believe Comey is a man of integrity. Have you read his testimony about basically rushing to Ashcroft's side in the hospital to protect him from bullying by Bush's COS and Alberto Gonzalez? It's

I think one thing Comey is not is partisan. I think he made a grave error with the Clinton emails, but I don't think it was politically motivated. I think he was actually trying to act as non-partisan as possible, but in doing so created an awful situation.

Wow. You…suck. Like, a LOT.

I honestly think the next financial meltdown could lead to a serious uprising. No social safety net in the U.S. + Trump administration slashing taxes for the rich and corporations + those entities hoarding their wealth or buying back stock instead of investing it in the company/jobs (because that's actually what

I still can't believe AVC just hung him out to dry like that. For a decade he was a defining presence of the site and helped build it to what it became. I get hot and cold on Rabin (sometimes strenuously disagreeing with his takes on things), but you can't deny he's a great and thoughtful writer and deserved better

Have you looked at any of the other Dr. Luke-themed articles? All of them quickly devolve into a shit show. This one so far (that I've read down the comments) hasn't, but that's the exception, not the rule.

True. Okay, Buzz Aldrin is a "good" Buzz.

The only good Buzz is Buzz Lightyear, and even he has his douchebag moments.

I'm just sitting here waiting for all the MRA commenters to jump in and start ranting about Dr. Luke's innocence.

They killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit, killed the wabbit! Yo ho! Yo ho! Yo ho!

I don't know, I found it pretty atrocious. I could barely get through the first episode and made it about halfway through the second.