Monte Hellman's Mayonnaise


omg passions

Well…it's technically the oldest trick in the book, since movies began as soundless. But it's refreshing to see silence being used tactically like this. There's a reason why some of the most emotionally effective movies I've ever seen are silent films.

I'm not sure that's correct when it comes to employer-sponsored health care. Employers typically negotiate the premiums for their employees across the board. I believe the 30% premium applies to open-market purchasing of health insurance. AKA, if you don't get insurance through our employer and you let it lapse for a

Loved Robert Osborne. I hate Mankiewitz SO MUCH. He's so smarmy and he always gives the impression of condescending to the movies he's talking about, instead of actually feeling real love and respect for them. They really need to get someone else in there.

It really is one of those strange things I can't figure out. Who is Comey? What are his motivations? It seems clear he is wading in the political arena (when he shouldn't be), but I have a lot of trouble understanding exactly what it is he's doing or trying to do, or what exactly is going on behind the scenes to drive

I like how Pally shut down some very simplistic comments from the interviewer. "The country started out so great." "America was as good as it gets under Obama." Those are really problematic statements. And he countered those statements thoughtfully and concisely.

Hey AVC: how about instead of posting offensive shit like this you actually post valuable stuff about pop culture that helped you make a name for yourself in the first place?

Except that doesn't actually make any sense for children who live in cultures where spicy/fermented/assertive foods are common. Those children don't shy away from those types of foods or have problems with them. It's what they eat, because it's what everyone eats.

Either way, Kelly makes me very nervous and I haven't seen evidence of him being particularly respectful of individual liberties.

Wait, Kelly as head of Homeland Security = good but McMasters as NSA = bad??? Yeah, no.

I think it's easy to say that in hindsight, but during a live telecast, in front of a bunch of people (and millions of viewers at home), it was probably hard to judge exactly what he was looking at or what was happening. God knows I would have completely frozen up.

I have never seen Warren Beatty look sheepish/chagrined before. I didn't even know he was capable of it! Tough spot for him.

No way, he clearly said Zelda. I think maybe the issue was a possible speech impediment where people sometimes have trouble saying the "l' sound in certain words, subbing a w/l sound.

Over at Breitbart the commenters are STILL somehow blaming this whole thing on "the leftists." As if liberals made him say horrible shit that even Breitbart couldn't justify. God knows liberals have yet to be able to pressure Breitbart to do anything they didn't want to do.

His comment of disgust in response to the picture of the super browned omelette is 100% correct.

Holy shit, ABTR! You're back! I haven't seen you on these boards in years!

This. I remember watching the first few episodes of TN when it was airing and it was….just…TERRIBLE. The acting, the dialogue, the characterizations…ugh. What a waste of time.

I really do wonder what Fox News right-wing watchers think when they see Shep saying what he said. Do they brush it off and just say that Shep is fake news or whatever?

And yet I *still* think you are overestimating his base. They will cling to him no matter what. Seriously, he could be caught on camera promising to let Putin take over American and they would STILL find some excuse to justify what he was doing, or just say the tape was fake. Hell, they have completely turned against