Whew! I was bracing myself for some new elaborate, precious process. Glad to know the old-fashioned fork is still best. Thanks for the confirmation!
My mom, too.
My mom always made drop biscuits using Bisquick and milk.
Seriously. Just show me the fuckin’ logo you’re talking about. Oh, it’s in the embedded video? Cool, so you could also embed the fuckin’ logo.
You must be new here :)
How come I don’t see a picture of the logo in this article?
They have already broken commandment No. 3. I mean congressmen & some governors, have already explained why this “Holiday” is divisive and doesn’t need to be celebrated. Also you left out one commandment No Hotep’s Shall Prosper on this day. There are too many of you “woke” black folks out on the internet trying to…
Things to add to the list of things never explicitly condemned by Jesus: cannibalism, pedophilia, necrophilia, socialism, communism.
“Jesus never condemned slavery” is an argument against Jesus as a moral authority, not an argument in favor of slavery.
“I was taught that the chiefs of the tribes in Africa sold their people into slavery,” one woman of the Klan-ish Karen variety can be heard saying. “If it had not been that way, there would not been slaves anywhere in America for Robert E. Lee or anybody else to have owned.”
This is accurate. If you've ever argued, debated or spoken with a trump dump, you should know you won't convince them. Even if you use the points in this article, they would consider them the winners of said debate cause you didn't directly get into it about black in black crime and instead brought up great points…
“The majority of trans children do NOT statistically remain trans into adulthood.”
And what do they ask of us? Not much, just believe them and leave them to live their own lives.
One of my friends from college is trans, and as soon as I saw the news it was like, “Aha, that actually makes total sense.”. Every insta post from them is full of joy and optimism, and that was not the case for them in college. Couldn’t be happier.
As a pediatrician, this rings 100% true
Two of my favorite former students are trans. Pictures of them now compared to then are striking, not because they’re of a different gender now, but because they look so happy now.
Who in the entirety of fuck is reading all these books about Trump? Better question, who is paying people to write books about Trump so I can get in on the cash giveaway?
if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie
Update: The officer involved in the murder of Atatiana refused to cooperate with the investigation and has resigned.