Michael King

It’s like playing a country song backwards...

You get your 40 acres back, you get your mule back, you get your house back, you get your car back...

Clarke? That clown?

I still insist that Mariah Carey is a human dog whistle...

Steve looked like half of Spy vs. Spy (though I can’t claim that one)...

Now, see, instead of Mad About You or The Office, THIS is what should be coming back to television next...

Batman 36 & 37 together as the two-parter is simply perfect - it gives you an insight into the minds of the two friends from an entirely different viewpoint. Plus the whole notion of Selina having figured out Clark’s identity without any big deal was a fun add-on in 36. Finally, I got a huge charge out of the fact

Zimmerman has become the prototypical #FloridaMan - it’s a wonder he hasn’t become a Darwin Award recipient prior to this point...

How long before the doctors have to break out the leeches and pitchforks?

“I’m so sorry... Oh, by the way, how about some cinnamon rolls!”

Solution: Louisville Slugger applied LIBERALLY and EXCESSIVELY to the sign — and the cranial structure of any individual who gets in the way...

I just listened to April’s report from this morning...

What the living fuck is wrong with you people!?

I’m just sayin...

I can’t breathe!

Now, mind you, there’s at least one NEW Conyers accuser today — this one says he groped her in church... (Mother, you can clutch your pearls, now...)

“Mass unfollowing?”

Not quite. Handful of people pissed off? More like it.

I dunno - I think even THEY might be geniuses compared to these guys — I mean the crew of the Dark Star were COMPLETE morons...