
Loud pipes do not, in fact, save lives.

Um, is that a BMW kidney grill on the side?

“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”

Did you consider that a potential buyer would consider that a feature?

Anyone requesting the absense of bozos in the midst of an all-caps, typo riddled kit car ad on Craigslist...

Your repeated use of the word “tax” to describe something that not only isn’t a tax but isn’t even tangentially related to any government is, at best, shoddy journalism. At worst, it’s unethical shilling for the oil industry. Had you bothered to read your primary source, you would know that Borenstein is describing a

Dude, you’re doing yeoman’s work for the oil companies here by calling it a tax, when it isn’t.

If this fee wasn’t instituted by a local or state government, it’s not a tax. It’s just oil companies sneakily hosing everyone but they call it a “fee” so they can say the base price hasn’t changed.

Wow, that was pretty wrong.

But you could be! the ground.

No slide show!

I really like the RAV4 Prime....I just hate the idea of having that big of a car, especially when it comes to parking.”

A 300 mile EV? That is a bit of a stretch for under 60k at the moment.

For $2,000, you got a five-inch unit in a terrible position.”

Those wheel rims on the concept are just about the ugliest wheels I have ever seen....

It felt like a lot longer than just a week. I didn’t even have the time to grow my beard out, à la David Letterman.

Welcome back Rob and Jalopnik!