
This is an homage to Carl's car from ATHF, right?

Not sure about calling it a war crime. It’s more “crime against humanity.

I’m one of the “pilot” testers for our state’s mobile ID initiative. They don’t want to lock anyone in to either Apple or Android, so they’re working with a vendor to provide an app for either platform. Still in the pilot phase and some kinks to be worked out, but I can see a lot of people (like some commenters here) r

Second Gear: so now we’re making fun of a man for getting emotional? I really don’t know much about him and maybe he’s not a good guy, but a headline about him crying feels a little 2005 to me. Here’s what I would do to check for potential Toxic Masculinity: gender swap the person and ask yourself if you would use the

Wait, you’re thinking about using your savings to pay off a zero-percent interest loan? It’s very difficult to imagine that ever making sense. Someone else is letting you use their money FOR FREE, so let them! If it were me, I would just pretend that I’ve paid off the loan, but actually put the money into savings or

Road America would likely never be able to host a modern F1 event, but I would still love to see F1 cars racing that circuit.

“My epidemiologist...”? WTF? 

They’re arguably the nicest overpriced Volkswagens on the market!

You should really look into joining the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Flexible Pavement Design (! That way you can share your insights with a room full of people who design asphalt pavements every day. Or maybe you could try for the Committee on Pavement

This report about practices among highway agencies in the USA will be out in about a year: If you do a quick Google search for pavement markings you’ll find many research reports over the years, and large multinational companies (such as 3M) making

Not many people talk about it because it’s not really the biggest issue. The things you bring up DO get talked about in the traffic safety arena, but they’re not game-changers.

Triumph Scrambler: “Owners suggest that these are best on fire

Of course! I should have known that was the answer.

Is this pronounced like it rhymes with “oak”? Or is it like a Hawai’ian word where you pronounce the “e” at the end (rhymes with “pokey”)?

Charger Guy, I’m not sure what is the basis for your opinion. I work with pavement engineers at highway agencies around the world, and I can tell you the weight of passenger vehicles is basically irrelevant to their pavement designs. Pavements are designed for 80,000lb heavy trucks with 18,000lbs per axle. As pointed

Same company that was accused of a cover-up over their defective RV tires that were implicated in multiple deaths, right? No thanks.

Data nerd checking in here - love to see all of the stats! I’ve been reading Jalopnik for a few years now and NPOND keeps me coming back every day.  It’s really fun to see the year-in-review.

SsangYong Musso?

My 2016 BMW X5 PHEV is will be losing significant functionality with the 3G shut down, but I don’t blame AT&T for that. I blame BMW. The shutdown of cellular networks was completely predictable - we’ve lived through this in the transition from analog to digital cellular, and again when the 2G networks got shut down

Wish Mazda would have a PHEV version. My daily drive needs could be filled by an EV, but I’d still like petrol for longer trips (at least until we get better charging infrastructure out there).