
Why would it have the keyword “pms” several times? Is that some auto-trade acronym? Or...?

I work for a highway agency, and I can tell you unequivocally that our pavement/bridge engineers are not the least bit concerned about the weight of passenger vehicles. They are designing for trucks with 18,000lbs per axle. Number/weight of passenger vehicles is not even a factor.

None for my BMW 5-speed with reverse left and up?

I work for a government transportation agency, and from what I know, AAMVA is a lot like AASHTO. It’s likely made up of state Motor Vehicle departments, and funded by each member state paying dues. The board of directors would be made up of the senior leadership of each state’s Motor Vehicles bureaucracy, and they’ll

Neutral: How about Formula 1 Decade, where they would replay the race from 10 years ago? In the 2000's, it wasn’t uncommon that those 90's races were more interesting than the “live” race. For the longest time, I also had on my old DVR a recording of when they aired the movie Grand Prix with commentary by John

Stately old gentleman? That dude driving the Opel Kapitan P2 doesn’t look any older than you...

No idea how to price one of these, but I’m an American so I’m not going to let a lack of knowledge keep me from confidently stating my opinion.  Seems like a reasonable price.  Would I buy it?  Nope.  Should you?  Also, nope.  But for someone out there, this seems like a NP.

$459,000,000 profit divided by 2,685 units delivered equals $170,950 in profit from each unit delivered. I understand they have other sources of income (licensing deals, etc.), but WOW that’s a lot of per-unit profit.

Stood out how? Still no idea which it is...

Can’t dispute your logic, so it seems like it would come down to finding a a collector or museum who wants this.  Seems like a very tiny market to target.

Seems to me that it’s actually a benefit for Jalops like us - better parts availability 20+ years later. We’ve all heard horror stories about trying to find bespoke parts for a low-volume model.

Usually loads of that size would have had to get a oversize/overweight permit, and as part of the permitting process they would have been assigned a specific route that had clearances checked. It sounds like something went wrong in the process for that load to end up anywhere near that bridge. Either the wrong height

I was curious about the moonroof in this car, since you mentioned a sunroof in your ex-wife’s. I didn’t remember cars of the early 80's having glass up there so I was surprised to see that in the pics instead of a metal-panel sunroof. Is that how it came in 1980?

Can you imagine how that kid felt being powerless to stop mom from doing this? Wow.

This is a great point that I’m going to second. Right now really nobody should be buying an EV or PHEV unless they have a dedicated overnight parking spot with access to an outlet, preferably L2-capable.

1) Anything from the 90s with those motorized “mouse” seatbelts. 2) A Chevy HHR - Horrible to look at, Horrible to drive, and lousy Reliability.

Like the color (nice job on bringing the paint back), but if you daily that in Minnesota perhaps your ad should say “no rust - yet”?

Only one generation removed in this case, but I happen to like these (copycat) E36 Style 23 wheels on my E46.

Maybe, but it seemed like the head was too big for a Kaminoan. I’ll have to re-watch that part.

The clones in the abandoned facility were Snoke, right? Didn’t the thing in the tank that broke open all over Fennic look like whatever Snoke is?