
So excited to see the return of Meh Car Monday!

Good article, but the comparo I really want to see is how the Changli stacks up against Brownell’s old LEAF.

Nice sleuthing!

This whole situation is a bit confusing, but it’s part of my job to know about some of this stuff so I’ll share what I think understand about it. If I’m not mistaken, there are actually at least TWO infrastructure initiatives going in parallel. One is the $2b stimulus that Biden has been promoting. Another is the

I’m so excited to see this review! I’ve been eyeing one these for our small farmin Arizona. It’s just a pity that the price kinda crept up. Like you say it’s almost a slam-dunk at $9k, but a bit harder to justify at $14k where an old Ranger or S-10 might be the better value. We don’t really need or want some of the

I think you can get a 4x4 option. He mentioned a "dual motor" version of the lifted one.

I love that turn of phrase. I used to give my friend a hard time about how his Audi TT was just a tarted-up VW...

Bonus points for stocking Squirt there. I rarely drink soda anymore and didn’t even know that was still available. Would be willing to guess that the brand of soda isn’t the first thing that comes up if one were to google “squirt” (results may be NSFW).

Please also keep in mind that unless you are driving 200+ miles per day, you won’t be charging the battery from empty. You plug in every night, so you only have to charge as much as you take out every day. We have a 220v L2 charger in the garage, but it turns out we don’t even need it for our EV - we easily keep our

As a data scientist, I have to agree. Bring on the stats!

My mom bought a brand new 1986 Tempo, which we had for at least 5 years (I believe she traded it for a ‘91 Mercury Sable). It was not great or fast, but at least it had a 5-speed. However at the time it seemed like luxury - it was our first family car with A/C and cruise control. One of my high school friends drove an

Oh man, my dad was so far ahead of his time... I wish I could find a photo, but he was doing stuff like this back in the 80's. He got an old lawn tractor at a farm auction, took off the mower deck (which didn’t work, iirc), and beefed it up as a little run-about on our farm. That thing was hilarious! The transmission

Oh, forgot to mention. Talking to one the drivers, he tells me that he runs all over the state on pick-ups. Sounds like they would do two hours. Also, they'll pick up at my office or the house.

We live about 40 miles from the BMW dealer. If the car needs service, they send a retired guy in a loaner car (usually a new BMW) who then drives my car in for service (e.g. topping up the blinker fluid). No extra charge. I haven’t visited the actual service department in years. I’ve gotten so used to it that I

Remember that we’re not able to use the phrase “avoid it like the plague” anymore, because as 2020 has shown, people don’t actually do that.

To be fair, it’s likely more noticeable in a car that I’m not used to driving on a regular basis. If I drove one regularly I might get used to it.

This is sarcasm, right? Or are you really concerned about catching that new communicable form of heart disease?

Have you ever driven an HHR? We used to have them in the motor pool and if you’re over 5'5" it’s almost impossible to see overhead traffic lights. Horrible visibility. If they tried to give me one I would opt for the 15-year-old taurus wagon instead.

Agreed. We have a 2013, and while not faultless, it's been cheap to run and fits our "run around town" needs perfectly. It's a great 2nd car for a family, particularly if that family has a place to charge it.

The author mentions how many come in each “pack". Some have two devices and some have three. The price is per pack. May want to read it again.