Can’t do a Texans WYTS without a shout out to Susan:
Can’t do a Texans WYTS without a shout out to Susan:
Great article. I retired from co-ed basketball after a year because of the guys that play in these leagues. Fist fights on the court, heated arguments where their wives/girlfriends had to calm them down, we beat a team and they had a 15 minute meeting after the game to air out grievances.
They resigned Felton to a one year deal for something like $2 mil, so now they’re paying $17.5 million (+ tax payments over the next 3 years of Schroder’s contract) for backup PG’s on a team with roughly 12 minutes per game of available backup PG minutes. It’s not impossible that something clicks and it ends up…
I’m assuming OKC has a plan for Schroder that doesn’t involve keeping him on the roster, because 3 years @ $15.5 million for him might be a worse contract than 1 year of Melo. And they threw in a lottery protected pick in 2022, when Russ and PG are ~32 and could be competing for 6-8 seeds out West?
For the people saying the Raptors made a mistake and should have run it back now that LBJ is in LA:
He might’ve benefited from staying another year at Kansas, but from what I’ve read about his childhood there isn’t a chance in hell any of us would’ve waited another year if in his position:
- Nobody fights in the NBA so if or if not he’s willing to actually throw hands means nothing. He’s a DPOY and an absolute pest who invites people to hate on him thereby letting his teammates (here’s looking at you KD) get off the hook for their mistakes. Low usage on O, brilliant on D.
Maybe the ultimate ‘love him when he’s on your team, hate him when he isn’t’ type guy... I’m not going to say he’s the best passer on the team though. Most assists doesn’t = best passer. Steph and maybe Iggy are better (which they should be since he’s a big).
Casey was the fall guy, and getting swept in the 2nd round as the #1 seed means there has to be a fall guy. This team couldn’t run it back next year with the same pieces and assume it’d be different after getting spanked by a Cleveland team that had just gone 7 games with the 5 seed. The Cavs feasted on their defence…
It’s not the scheme that has him shooting iso long 2's off the dribble after he gets the switch onto a 7 footer.
Great point about the best guys going instantly when they get the ball. Defenders are most vulnerable when they’re on the move, especially when it’s going from help-side to primary ball defender. Guys who hesitate when they get the ball are infuriating and murder good offence. *stares directly at Andrew Wiggins*
My favourite part of that clip of D Rose getting blocked on the fade away is KAT’s (half-assed) cut to the hoop, with Joe Johnson being the only person who would have a chance at stopping him from easy dunk, being ignored by D Rose as he stands back to the basket 30 feet from the hoop.
I’m all for everyone who doesn’t make playoffs getting the same odds at every pick.:
I’d rather play Philly in the 2nd round, when Embiid is still coming back from that injury and those young guys have less playoff experience. By the time the ECF rolls around Joel could be back to near 100% and now you’ve got a Philly team who has (likely) been through multiple tight playoff games/series.
- Then your plan is round 1: home court, round 2: no home court, round 3: no home court unless 6ers lose. Whereas if you get the #3 seed you go round 1: home court, round 2: home court OR at Boston, round 3: no home court assuming Raps get to ECF.
Not the best plan for a couple of reasons:
Dude you forgot the joke at the end of the post that leads us the conclusion “ohhhh, he was mocking all the losers who actually believe shit like this”. Just a heads-up, might wanna edit.
One college coach needs to take the Lorenzo Romar/Cuonzo Martin strategy to a whole new level. Offer an assistant coaching job to a parent of every top recruit. 5 top recruits and 5 assistant coaches who will bitch their kids out for me. I see no problem with this strategy.
Kevin Calabro and Lamar Hurd are a good commentating team and one of the few in the league that I enjoy. Calabro losing his mind when CJ/Dame get hot is always fun.