
I moved to Nashville 8 or so years ago and was definitely aware of hot chicken (well before KFC and everyone else started co-opting it). Dave Attel’s show Insomniac which ran in the early 2000s is the first time I ever heard about it, but I mean, Prince’s Hot Chicken Shack has been around for decades.

Not sure what your point is. Skyrim was built on the Creation Engine, which is just a modified version of the same Gamebryo engine they’ve been using for years. That’s why they still can’t get things like ladders to work properly. They’ve been bolting new bits and bobs onto an outdated engine for their past 3

She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic.

Looks great, but I’m not a big fan of cities like Abu-Dhabi who cater exclusively to the rich while literally being built with slave labor.

When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their

Unless Gauntlet is just short for Avengers: The Gauntlet Iron Man used to kill Captain America or TGIMU2KCA..

it’s Roberto’s (many times) great-grandfather

Avengers: Days of Future’s Recast


What is ...bothersome... about Stan Lee is that he was very comfortable putting his name first and foremost on the Marvel books.

Stan Lee has never taken sole credit for creating any of the Marvel characters. He always credits the artist as well, often saying that they created the concepts together. Hell, during the run on Fantastic Four, he and Jack Kirby were credited as “co-plotters” on the comic, since everything was made with the Marvel

Bill Finger certainly deserves at the very least co-credit for many of Batman’s concepts.

To piggyback on the open secret bit, “Getting Finger’d” was the term bandied about when someone got screwed over on their creation/contribution, IIRC, both a witty way to acknowledge a shitty situation as well as tacit acknowledgment that Bill was the premiere example of getting the short end of the stick.

This is something that grinds my gears every time I hear someone make reference to it. The other way you could read that is that the kind act was only done because of God and not the more simple answer that the person is incredibly giving. Like how when someone lives through an operation it’s God that saved them, but

To henceforth be referred to as the DP.

Don’t know about Insurgent, but wasn’t this done in the movie Looper?

Women usually do win custody cases, you’re right. But who do you think holds the keys to the bank account in their relationship?

2017 Call of Duty: WWII

They said they wanted a woman director. They got one. Anna Boden. She’s a woman and she is directing the movie. That she works with a partner does not in any way change that fact.

It appears that everyone is sporting warm clothing, so winter is pretty much upon us.