
Like, Minutemen?

I also could imagine Leder doing a Marvel movie, but Marvel would probably have as much luck working one out with Bigelow as they did Wright and DuVernay.

I think the trailers for Infinity War should have a slide that says “From the directors of ‘You, Me, Dupree’”.

I think there’s already a script for the movie, but these two have written the screenplays for all of their previous movies together, so I’d be surprised if they don’t end up with credits for the script to this movie too by the end.

Well, dang, that’s a pleasant surprise.

If you’re actively abducted or hunted by a Predator though, that means you’re a goddamn universally recognized badass and can at least die proud of that.

While I couldn’t imagine someone else playing Leia, after reading her last memoir, which is the only memoir of her’s I’ve read, I got the sense that Fisher does see the character as being more than herself, and probably would be ok with another actress taking over provided it was someone she really liked.

I can live with Luke becoming Jolee Bindo and making grouchy old man jokes about himself and everyone else for the rest of his life. That sounds like something Hamill would love to do.

He was also one of the main writer for the acclaimed first season of Telltale’s The Walking Dead game.

That line made me chuckle cause it’s like they finally gave up trying to pretend that the Netflix Marvel Universe has any significant connection to the Cinematic Universe.

Even if the live-action Wonder Woman movie is decent, I can’t imagine it surpassing this movie, much like how even the best live-action Batman movie still falls short of Mask of the Phantasm.

Yep, facial expressions and character designs are valid and effective storytelling/characterization devices in themselves, which is why their half-baked implementation in ME:A should matter.

It’s the new Avengers Guesthouse Tower.

“Wheatcakes are for closers!”

Dear Disney,

I think you’ll be happier with playing the game later when it’s cheaper and/or has expansions out that may improve the overall narrative experience.

I think the game is enjoyable if you approach it as a companion/spin off of the original trilogy, rather than a direct successor.

The way I rationalize it is that everyone, including myself, is still pretty crappy at MP right now, especially with underpowered characters and equipment, so I don’t expect to be clearing gold regularly, if at all, yet.

I had money on “The Hammer is not your penis.”

I think it makes more sense to use the MP credits to buy the cheap packs first to fill up the most basic crap slots.