
Protesting is legal but there’s lots of things done here that were not legal. So I think the argument is that this protest turned criminal and the city wants to sell the tools that were used to commit the crimes, in this case trucks, to recuperate the costs.

If the vehicles had driven down the street waiving flags I

My wife’s cousin was the captain (Transport Canada requires an actual Sea Captain) of the casino paddlewheeler. It was a great gig while he was studying to be a Harbour Pilot. 

Aren’t boats being changed into venues an incredibly bad investment? The erosion is terrible to keep up with.

I genuinely hope somebody with their own shop or garage mechanic shops picks it up and gets it working again. It’s a good looking car, and I love these old Merc drop tops.

Being a former owner of a 380SL, I will confess I love them. They aren’t that fast or sporty but give off a lovely muted V-8 burble and guiding that long bonnet down the road makes you feel like a king.

There are lots of people who use trucks properly.  They haul sailboat fuel all day.

The CyberTruck would have been right at home in the cheeseball 1982 Barry Bostwick movie “MegaForce”. 

I love wedge shaped vehicles. I dream of first gen Esprit ownership. However I don’t think wedge shape styling works well on a truck.

This, the whole design of the CyberTruck was a dumpster fire from the get go. It’s design was in no way shape or form something that would actually make it to market. And as you said nothing about it made better than any other truck other than it being an EV and even then for doing actual “truck stuff” like towing a

So typical no wonder many American cars can't compete outside USA. And they complain not making enough sales. 

That new Versa or Spark is going to be worth a WHOLE LOT LESS 5 years from now than a 5 year old corolla or 6 year old Camry will be worth in 5 years. The only way a friend was able to get ANYTHING for his 3 year old Versa was by trading it in on another new Versa. No other dealer would even look at it as a trade. I

There are cars out there that I think would sell if they had updated mechanicals under the body work. This one is one of them. It just looks so great and balanced.

Exactly! This is a total POS. You would have to pay me a lot of money to accept this piece of crap, and then it would be going to the crusher ASAP. This is one disgusting vehicle.

Dodge Charger.

Oh, barf.  I bet that guy loves to talk about his watch collection.

do you happen to live in the Philly area? I have seen that plate multiple times in the area of Villanova

 I like when other drivers give you the clues you need to avoid them. 

These cute as a bug things always make me wish I liked camping...

2^31 is 2147483648

I thought so too, so I did the math.