
A quick look around the intertubes suggests that it’s priced substantially below market. I’d advise pre-purchase inspection, just on “what’s the catch?” grounds; but otherwise, if you want one of these, on the surface this would seem to be a good value proposition on a nice example.

My dude, you probably drive a car with 12 gallons of highly combustible, flammable, and potentially explosive fuel in a huge tank underneath the trunk. Cars aren’t really safe regardless of their energy medium.

Most modern escalators have no combustible components and all the bearings and chains are sealed thus not needing any lubricant. there are trays that catch the various detrius that does make it into the machine pits but regular maintenance is there to clean them as part of the maintenance procedure.

Wood  steps!

Dude!  Listening to that guy was harder than listening to Brooks Moore on “How It’s Made”....

Yeah, I wasn’t really weighing in on the validity of the verdict, just that even if he is guilty as charged, it was for the results of one event.  It’s not like he went on a rampage plowing through cars Beverly Hills Cop-style.

Made worse here by mandates that the sentences be consecutive, which makes no sense given he committed only one criminal act.

My wife is a county judge here in Illinois and her and many others in her field disagree with a lot of mandatory minimum sentences. They feel that each case should be judged on its merits and circumstances and that blanket sentences like that cause more injustice then they do good. It removes their ability tailor the

Pretty much any law crafted to appease the media masses is a bad law. Pretty much every law named after dead kids for instance.

I propose we can replace roads with systems of rails for vehicles to move along and those rails can include a third one that carries a current to power the electric vehicles, which will remove the need for 200-500 kg batteries in every passenger car and 5000+kg batteries in commercial shipping vehicles. This will

Tires, tires, tires. Nothing transforms a car’s driving dynamics like tires. You don’t have to buy super expensive tires to improve ride, handling, noise, traction, etc.

Replace the stereo. It’s easy to do and not terribly expensive. You’ll get better sound quality to cover up the noise of the droning engine, and if you spring for something higher-end it’s really wonderful to hop into your car, connect to Apple Carplay or Android Auto, and have access to everything you enjoy on your

The stupid custom license plate and boy racer decals tell me this thing is permanently going to smell like bubble gum vape and shitty weed. No dice.

As someone who owned an E24 because he couldn’t afford the 3.0CSi of his dreams, I can tell you that the idea of fixing interior parts and controls with “little issue or money” is wishful thinking. But good sources can reduce the financial damage:

The problem is not too many buttons, or the touchscreen to replace those buttons’ functionality. It’s that there are just too many functions that need to be controlled in the first place. A car is a thing that you drive, whether that’s for fun, transportation, or a mixture of the two. But driving is a process that

How are touch screens not a form of distraction. People cant walk down the sidewalk due to having to look at the screen to see where they are touching. What about driving a car?

I love the wheel on my Mazda. It took me several months to even realize that the 6s come with touch screens. They lock out the touch function when you’re on the move. 

They’re going the Mazda route? Brilliant!

Touchscreen will always be a horrible option in cars as long as they take away the drivers eyes and attention from the road. And it should be illegal to operate it while driving. Buttons and dials you can actually use the touch of your fingers to operate and do so without diverting your eyes from the road.

I daily drove a 3 for a couple winters in Edmonton, and yeah, it was great. The only negative memory I have of it was getting a flat between Edmonton and Calgary, in -20 weather, at night. Less than an ideal situation - but one I survived, and one that wasn’t the cars fault.